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what a boring pile of shit. i don't know why every art house styled genre/pulp movie has to be all austere and minimal and have literally no fucking action at all. it's like filmmakers think understatement is the pinnacle of expression and that material like this somehow needs to be handled in a mature way when it's crying out for some over the top sex and violence. it's called drama for a reason folks. 

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But I love the fact that James Hetfield has dubbed all of Aquaman's dialogue.

Jason Momoa seems like the Jar Jar Binks of this film. It's weird to see such a high budget project now be the product of two distinctly different directors.

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You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about do you? You're completely out of your comfort zone giving opinions. Confidence knocked, its back to posting links to news sites with a nervous little "lol" on the end.

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You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about do you? You're completely out of your comfort zone giving opinions. Confidence knocked, its back to posting links to news sites with a nervous little "lol" on the end.


Confident lol.


also, Rubin, you're alright mate.

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Also there's this trailer for Annihilation which looks fucking great  to me. I was a fan of the books when they came out a few years ago, good weird fiction, and it looks like the movie is going to follow the weirdness unabashedly, which is very surprising but has me very hopeful. Not sure it deserves its own thread so I'll just post it here for now.


yesss so excited for this. The books are a lot of fun and I loved Ex Machina, Alex Garland was a great choice for the adaptation.


Watched The Bad Batch on netflix the other day, I loved it. Also rewatched Ravenous recently, guess I've been in the mood for cannibalism.

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Schlizey boy, get yourself to your GP & try & access some kind of primary-care mental health counseling


either you have some kind of personality disorder, are a raging alcoholic (most poison gets ejaculated after 8pm = a bottle of wine) or a desperate bully/coward


the former 2 are treatable, the latter is just plain small man complex, but you probably see it as some form of salty Danny Boyle-esque humour


its not, have a word with yerself

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Also there's this trailer for Annihilation which looks fucking great  to me. I was a fan of the books when they came out a few years ago, good weird fiction, and it looks like the movie is going to follow the weirdness unabashedly, which is very surprising but has me very hopeful. Not sure it deserves its own thread so I'll just post it here for now.


yesss so excited for this. The books are a lot of fun and I loved Ex Machina, Alex Garland was a great choice for the adaptation.


Watched The Bad Batch on netflix the other day, I loved it. Also rewatched Ravenous recently, guess I've been in the mood for cannibalism.



apparently vandermeer saw the film and really liked it, and even said it's actually more surreal and weirder than the books. doesn't seem like he'd hype things up so i'm cautiously optimistic for it. alex garland has come a long way since the beach. i remember when he supposedly got a million dollars to adapt halo into a movie...

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I dunno, I don't take Schlitze's posts at face value and instead read them as a detached, deconstructionist type of trolling or criticism of the WATMM status quo. While usually mean-spirited, they are often thought-provoking and pretty funny if you can avoid getting your feelings hurt. I appreciate his role in filling this niche.

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I dunno, I don't take Schlitze's posts at face value and instead read them as a detached, deconstructionist type of trolling or criticism of the WATMM status quo. While usually mean-spirited, they are often thought-provoking and pretty funny if you can avoid getting your feelings hurt. I appreciate his role in filling this niche.

So we know who Schlitze actually is now.  :emotawesomepm9:

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