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Interesting note... The soot men where going in/out of a "Convenience Store".  There was a sign above the window or door.  In the earlier series, Mike mentions to Coop that he and BOB lived above a convenience store when they were committing their crimes.

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Interesting note... The soot men where going in/out of a "Convenience Store".  There was a sign above the window or door.  In the earlier series, Mike mentions to Coop that he and BOB lived above a convenience store when they were committing their crimes.


Yeah dude that was pretty much the point of that scene. They're in the room above it in the 'formica table' scene in FWWM. This is the convenience store's origin story.


Admittedly I was watching that scene with furrowed brow looking for deeper meaning until nearly the end of it, then I realised and went :facepalm:





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The log lady died 3 months before Bowie did, she managed to get her scenes filmed, and do I don't think it's beyond the realms to think Bowie would be in this. We know he was filming music videos pretty close to his death

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The record playing at the radio station was My Prayer by The Platters. One of the original members of The Platters was a man named David Lynch.





When the twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing

When the twilight is gone you come into my heart

And here in my heart you will stay while I pray

My prayer is to linger with you

At the end of the day in a dream that’s divine

My prayer is a rapture in blue

With the world far away and your lips close to mine

Tonight while our hearts are aglow

Oh tell me the words that I’m longing to know

My prayer and the answer you give

May they still be the same for as long as we live

That you’ll always be there at the end of my prayer…

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Another fucking crazy one




"During the scene where DoppleCoop is shot, I thought I recognized part of that haunting melody playing while the dark spirits are doing...whatever they're doing... with the corpse. After I finished the episode (holy shit what a wild ride), I went back, recorded a clip, and sped the sound up about 3x. Sure enough, the music playing is simply a slowed recording of the final moments of the first movement of Beethoven's famous Moonlight Sonata."


If you mix up the letters in Moonlight Sonata you can get: A Log Hint, Soot Man

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David and Trent are good friends. David Bowie and David Lynch and Trent Reznor are all chummy by degrees of separation so Lynch was scratching his own itch by having his leather clad pal Tront on for a romp. Now, whisperings seem to suggest that Bowie might appear from beyond? If anyone remembers, Lynch did the video for "Haunted" back in 2013. It has a lot of his current aesthetic featured in it as well now that I look at it 4 years on.

Keep out epileptics and Tront haters



As if the IDM cluster diagram couldn't expand any further, that was "Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima" in case anyone missed it. You didn't though. All IDM certifications have been kept current I'm sure.


Among all the reddit theories / revelations I read this:


immediately thought of Jack Parsons and the Babalon Working as soon as the bomb detonated. There are theories, in some circles, the atomic test opened a gateway to interdimensional beings. One of which Crowley had previously contacted, his "guardian angel" or LAM as he named him. He drew a picture of the entity:










Some say this is an early rendering of what are now commonly regarded as Extra Terrestrials. The idea is that the first atomic blast either allowed or caused more of such entities to enter this dimension. I was pretty excited Frost and Lynch used this idea in some capacity.


This is totally someone's old avatar on WATMM, isn't it?

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Another great episode, spoilt only by NIN and their wank music. They probably think they're all cool and a good fit for Twin Peaks but they're utter shit.


could of a lot worse, like xiu xiu or some shit. casual music listeners probably thought it looked edgy but to us it probably looked like this


I thought it worked in hindsight as a palette cleanser (some are saying it's an intermission to the whole series, as if it's the 18 hr movie Lynch described)


ep8 was immense, wtf w/NIN, but forgiveness is warranted + not knowing the spoiler function


that was an i.v. injection of archetypes & the subconscious, Marcel Duchamps, Max Ernst, Tarkovsky, Dreams That Money Can Buy allusions & Jung, those inter-dimensional tramps mein gott


the slow zoom in on the bomb detonation = Kubrick is gurning in the heavens


I've found Gnostic/esoteric theology so fascinating for a very long time. As a kid until now I have been a huge military and nuclear weapon development history buff. Seeing those two subjects intertwined was fucking incredible. Frost and Lynch have really, really developed something bold and brave plot wise, and pretty much unprecedented as well. This element of real horror - nuclear bombs - coupled with fantastical horror - evil spirits and lore - is brilliant. Absolutely sets it above and beyond so many other shows and films.


Really surprised and happy that this is till so good - where are we? Episode 8?

Most shows have usually sagged by this point, only to pick up again towards the finale. However, this hasn't put a foot wrong yet, (NIN aside).


LOL at that frog/wasp thing. I think part of what is making this show so enjoyable is that back in 1990/91, CGI was really in it's infancy. fast forward almost  thirty years and anything that Lynch can dream up can be put on screen with terrifying results.


Stop motion would of looked cool in 1991 but I imagine it would of been a pain in the ass.


Yeah the NIN bit was pretty bad.


edit - and I though it was Prurient/Dominick Fernow when they showed him that leather jacket. 


lol same here

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NIN are one of my fav bands but the live concert was too "friendly" and clean should have been much stranger and darker which is weird because the episode itself was the weirdest so far. lol

for the people who dont know David Lynch made a music video for NIN around 2013 which has a lot of similiar aesthetics from the new Twin Peaks.

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He wasn't on the cast list but I'm sure if Bowie did film a cameo he'd ask Lynch to keep it a secret. Would have been funny if he showed up in the middle of the last episode so millions of people would tune in and get totally mind fucked

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Among all the reddit theories / revelations I read this:


immediately thought of Jack Parsons and the Babalon Working as soon as the bomb detonated. There are theories, in some circles, the atomic test opened a gateway to interdimensional beings. One of which Crowley had previously contacted, his "guardian angel" or LAM as he named him. He drew a picture of the entity:










Some say this is an early rendering of what are now commonly regarded as Extra Terrestrials. The idea is that the first atomic blast either allowed or caused more of such entities to enter this dimension. I was pretty excited Frost and Lynch used this idea in some capacity.



Heh ive thought of this too.

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Among all the reddit theories / revelations I read this:


immediately thought of Jack Parsons and the Babalon Working as soon as the bomb detonated. There are theories, in some circles, the atomic test opened a gateway to interdimensional beings. One of which Crowley had previously contacted, his "guardian angel" or LAM as he named him. He drew a picture of the entity:










Some say this is an early rendering of what are now commonly regarded as Extra Terrestrials. The idea is that the first atomic blast either allowed or caused more of such entities to enter this dimension. I was pretty excited Frost and Lynch used this idea in some capacity.


Heh ive thought of this too.


You guise know that Jack Parsons and Crowley are mentioned prominently in the book, right?

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