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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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I'm not sure why exactly, but the concept of a re-release of existing material isn't that exciting to me. I would buy it, yeah. But I'm way more excited at the possibility of a reworked/remade/NEW version of MfM or something along those lines.


The music is 99% of the album for me, so putting existing music in a new box with a new coloured vinyl or something just doesn't do it for me. =/



Well, you've gone and done it, StephenG:


*imaginary Skype convo with Richard*


Me: Hey, Richard - how's the SAW II Remaster with bonus tracks, etc. coming?

Richard: Soz, mate - that bloke StephenG scuppered me plans by saying he wouldn't buy it if it was just a reissue. No point now, innit?

Me: Well, I'm sure once he saw and hear-

Richard: Nah, already burned the DATs and had the cats bury them in the litter pan. Poured orange juice on it as well. Citric Acid, eh? har har har

Me: Um, so you're really not going to release it now?

Richard: Nah, been talking to that Elon Musk bloke about not releasing Melodies From Mars unless he can send the first pressing in one of his rockets there first.


For the record, I said in the post right below that one of mine I would still buy it lol.


But uh... carry on. :cat:


also: lolol

Edited by StephenG
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loving the new track! i always had a feeling saw2 and bradley strider went together (windowsill, hexagon, weathered stone etc.) maybe these are from the same sessions?



Orange now....what does that mean?


funny little man on vinyl confirmed

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Guest Londonskater

800 or so tracks...

Pretty sure we are all fairly likely to miss-identify a vinyl only release from 20 years ago once in awhile, right?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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