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New Aphex Twin 10" [TECH-004]


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I can see Soundmurderer, Bogdan, AFX and the like doing this because it's all somewhat part of the mystery around the genre, but not Madlib. That dude wants everything strict af afaik.

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Who the fuck is Geoff Sanders, Todd Osborne and Kaito? A family of hipsters trying to cash in like a discogs parasite? What gives them the right to play people like this? They're revelling in their middlemen status, but the reality is they're not needed. It may be true that Kaito is being dragged into this by pops but he'll be tarred with the same brush unless he stands on his own two feet and leaves the business.


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

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Who the fuck is Geoff Sanders, Todd Osborne and Kaito? A family of hipsters trying to cash in like a discogs parasite? What gives them the right to play people like this? They're revelling in their middlemen status, but the reality is they're not needed. It may be true that Kaito is being dragged into this by pops but he'll be tarred with the same brush unless he stands on his own two feet and leaves the business.


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk


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I only read page one and was outraged but I've seen since ted Osborne, Sanders and Kaito will drive the vinyl too your house and hand deliver so that is amazon levels of customer service.


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

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sorry, i noticed that as soon as i posted it...ive got a million things going at once easily confused

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Also, re: the Rome tunes.

That's Tom, and there's a whole LP of those he did long ago.

I really am going to check into whether there's a chance at them being released. I'd imagine there's some reason they're not out already but I'll at least give it a go.


Do you know if this one is also in that LP you're talking about?


Edited by Consul
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I cant believe people got so enraged by this? Even before everything was clarified. If you open up your whole stock to international mail order they'll most likely just get poached by a certain amount of opportunists anyway - and then whats the point in having a shop in the first place? He's basically doing everything in his power to keep it honest before it his the market, anything after that he can't be blamed for.


Regardless of how these are distributed they'll end up getting flipped - The internet did that, not vinyl. I'd be surprised to see these at a massively expensive starting price as the whole premise of this seems to be based on nostalgia, and getting back to what selling music used to be like.


So what if there's not enough of them to go round? It's not like you can get records pressed free and pay the plant back when you start selling... Anyone who's tried to put a record out themselves would understand this, all that outlay is up front and on your shoulders. 


Dude is opening a record shop in his home town, isn't that the dream?


I say good luck, and block out the haters. 

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There's no need to get fizzy nickers over it.


I followed this forum for years listening to people whinging about AFX not releasing and people just can't be happy. Yeah it's obviously not ideal but so what - the music is being squeezed out of the guy. Years of pressure from Warp and his pals side projects are about the only way it's gonna happen, he's not your average artist.


What was your point again? This is the way it's always been...

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I'm not fizzy nickers-ing. All good.


It's just weird to see such exclusivity in 2016, going on 2017. Granted I don't believe artists ever "owe" fans anything, but most of us feel (I think) - sure release some exclusive vinyl. Limited editions, etc, are great. I've bought plenty myself. Generally though there are no reasons not to release digital versions, more money for the artist, the label,  and the (very loyal) fans get to hear music from artists they have (financially and otherwise) supported for in many cases 20+ years. Hard not to feel slighted when you support an act so passionately only to be told "nah, you can't access their next release unless you steal it online or pay exorbitant amounts to those that are going to scalp the shit out of these releases".


However as the proprietor has explained in this case there are licensing issues which have led to the exclusivity.


Happy to see Mr Osborn be able to do this one way or another. Glad the music will be out there in the ether for at least some of the fans!

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Also, re: the Rome tunes.

That's Tom, and there's a whole LP of those he did long ago.

I really am going to check into whether there's a chance at them being released. I'd imagine there's some reason they're not out already but I'll at least give it a go.


Do you know if this one is also in that LP you're talking about?




Fuck. That track is 0923124c-9e88-4423-8078-54faa729002c.jpg

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Also, re: the Rome tunes.

That's Tom, and there's a whole LP of those he did long ago.

I really am going to check into whether there's a chance at them being released. I'd imagine there's some reason they're not out already but I'll at least give it a go.


Do you know if this one is also in that LP you're talking about?




Fuck. That track is 0923124c-9e88-4423-8078-54faa729002c.jpg



Isn't it? Geez to think Tom is sitting on an lp or more of similar stuff? ack



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A bit weird that people get so upset by this when Mr. Aphex did the same thing with the Houston 12". No digital download option and scalpers having a field day on Discogs...

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