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Coronavirus COVID-19


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7 minutes ago, dingformung said:

Breathing exercises & cold showers boost the immune system drastically, too, and also increase the blood's ability to transport oxygen (can't be wrong if you have a hard time breathing)

You being a dingus? I’ll almost certainly die if I get covid lol I mean there will be a ton less of contentless posts around here but yeah ?

Or is that sincere advice?

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1 hour ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

You being a dingus? I’ll almost certainly die if I get covid lol I mean there will be a ton less of contentless posts around here but yeah ?

Or is that sincere advice?

It is sincere advice. If you combine every little thing that you can do it might decide if you belong to those with a dangerous course of disease or those who don't have symptoms. I mean vitamin supplements won't do that much of a difference either

Edited by dingformung
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1 minute ago, dingformung said:

It is sincere advice. If you combine every little thing that you can do it might decide if you belong to those with a dangerous curse of disease or those who don't have symptoms. I mean Vitamin supplements won't do that much of a difference either

Yeah it’s basically a crapshoot lol. Rolls the ? *

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Bupkis you say you feel even one death is unacceptable from the vaccine - this is a bit of an odd position to take and if you are consistent in how you apply it you should be refusing any and all health interventions from paracetamol on up.

No medication or vaccine exists in a vacuum, for anything that has a measurable physiological effect there may be side effects, measured against the effect of the condition it is treating. In the case of Covid you can look this up easily enough - how many people are dying daily where you are? Here in the UK it's 1000 daily, do you think you'll be seeing similar numbers of vaccine related deaths?

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thank you @danshoebridge

This is an excellent point that I had not considered. I do not know the current daily rates of death in America where I am at but I do know that it is very high and has been increasing recently and I see numbers ranging between 2000 - 4000. I must admit that I am skeptical of these daily death counts because I believe it takes longer than a single day to conduct an autopsy and get all of the tests that are required for an autopsy to be completed. But even adjusted for that possible margin of error I must admit that the count in America is most likely very high still.

I especially appreciate your point about how my stated position about one death being too many is logically inconsistent and that it would lead me to to refuse all measures to prevent the spread and disease. This sounds reasonable when considering the greater context as you have done. It also helps me reconsider the significance of that man who died from stroke - regardless of the outcome it does show that a single death at the very least is a tragedy for all sorts of reasons. But your post made me consider the potential ill uses that his story could be put to by people who want to spread disinformation.

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45 minutes ago, bupkis said:

I must admit that I am skeptical of these daily death counts because I believe it takes longer than a single day to conduct an autopsy and get all of the tests that are required for an autopsy to be completed.

Everyone who dies doesn't automatically end up in autopsy, e.g. in the EU the average is about 14 % of deaths, and most probably in the US due to the high fatality rate of COVID-19 a lot of them won't be autopsied - if a patient has been diagnosed and tested to have COVID-19 and they die, the cause of death will be determined from externally observable symptoms. It seems that in a normal situation in the US 40-60 % of hospital deaths end in autopsy, but with the pandemic I'm sure the percentage is a lot lower due to hospitals bursting at the seams with COVID-19 patients. The current daily average of COVID-19 deaths per day in the US is around 4000.

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About the number of Covid-19-Deaths:
If anything, I think the reported amount of covid-19-related deaths are probably under-reported.
I assume only deaths which were tested positive for covid-19 are part of the number.
Other deaths which were not tested for covid-19 are not part of that number.
The actual effect of this pandemic (and any other deadly illnesses and/or wars) on the median number of deaths can also be seen very clearly in excess mortality rates in graphs over multiple years. (excess mortality = deaths which are above the median)
For Europe such excess mortality numbers and graphs can be seen on EuroMomo.

About Vaccines:
There are many vaccines for which [...it is normal to have certain reactions after a vaccination: There may be redness, swelling or pain around the injection site. Fatigue, fever, headache and aching limbs are also not uncommon in the first three days after vaccination.]
Any vaccine ever produced has an extremely tiny chance to create a serious side-effect for an individual having underlying pre-existing unknown health-conditions, or having a very specific undiagnosed allergy or having a very particular extra-ordinary genetic make-up. Such rare effects include allergic shocks which in extreme cases can result in death. However, [...these are isolated cases.]
Also, some vaccinated people might get ill and/or die from totally unrelated things having nothing to do with the vaccine. So always be careful when reading sensational stories claiming that a vaccine was the cause, as it might not be the case at all. Such cases should be investigated, but until the time there has not been an investigation, testing, and making of scientific proof of causation (not correlation), it is best to not just plainly believe such stories and post them all over the internet.
[...Overall, the approved vaccines are safe, according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO),  otherwise they would not have approved the vaccines.]
Also, there are now at least 4 different covid-19-vaccines: Biontech-Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V,... of which some work in very different ways.
Most importantly: Weighing the benefits and risks.
[...In principle, the decision is always based on a risk-benefit assessment.] [... If an elderly person has a 20% chance of dying from a Corona infection, and at the same time the risk of getting a severe side effect of the vaccination is 1:50,000 or even less, "I would accept that risk," he said.]
You can be sure these Covid-19-Vaccines have all been tested thoroughly, and have been weighted on the Risk versus Benefit assessment.
In my opinion it is paramount for us to beat Covid-19. It is a threat to people and in a further extent civilization. It should be taken seriously.

I'd say: Read some scientific articles in the matter.
Don't just draw your conclusions from stories.

(quotes come from this article)

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so, at the current clip (4k/day), usa may hit a million dead by may. i hope the rate will decline and it won't be that bad, but it's now likely it will be over a half million in a 12 month period. it could be the leading cause of death for that period. typically, leading causes death are heart disease and cancer, each around a half million per year.

but at least we are free of the tyranny of wearing masks and standing 6 feet apart and washing our hands.

Edited by very honest
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On 1/8/2021 at 5:04 PM, zero said:

another article highlighting the fact that healthcare workers here in the US are sadly refusing to take the vaccine:


my own sister is a nurse, was offered the vaccine already, and refused it. when I asked her why, her response more or less matched some of what is said in the above article - wait until more have had it first, and then get it in a few months time. she is definitely not a pro-trumper, not anti-vaxxer, and not on social media. I just don't fucking get it...

My parents (who are both essentially soc-dems in all but name and anything but science deniers, my dad's actually a retired research scientist himself) might not get it right away for a much more rational reason: vaccination sites are so understaffed and insufficient that there are hundreds of people packed in lines for hours at a time, so the risk of being infected while waiting for the vaccine is potentially higher than the risk of being being extremely careful for another month or three before getting it.  They probably won't be eligible for another month at least either way, hopefully it will be a little less  of a mess by then.

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41 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

Man I really hope the CAN/USA border stays closed for a longgg time

still planning to head north in a canoe when i can. 

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25 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

Still Charges for Entry

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Rudy Giuliani, "the honorable mayor of new york" during 9/11, is now one of the main players that lead to over 3,000 deaths daily - basically a 9/11 every day.


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