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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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32 minutes ago, zero said:

as @rhmilo mentioned, case in point. a lot of "I" there. it ain't all about you dude and what your personal experience with covid has been like. that's egotistical trump shit right there. sometimes you gotta do something for the greater good of things, y'know for the "we." 

and so crazy that tons of places in this world are screaming right now for the vaccine, yet here in the U.S., we are tossing out expired vaccine because we have so much of it.

I did word that weirdly, I guess, I was in a hurry to paint a larger picture. I understand the 'we' point you're saying, and generally I agree with it. I would gladly oblige, but there are certain disparities that don't make sense to me, and since my trust for pharmaceutical industry and politics are basically zero at this point, I am worried about it. Not just worried for me, but for anyone who takes the vaccine. Because I know that there are huge profits and reputations at stake here, and if anything goes bad, who is going to take the responsibility for it? I'm sure you've heard how fiercely defended are reputations of corporations even when the wrongdoing is proven and obvious, why would it be any different at this point? Or how certain "experts" are bought by corporations to publish "science" that "proves" that everything is ok, and that agro-chemicals are not disrupting our hormones (I'm just putting an example here), while people are dying of cancer because of it....

When you get vaccinated for Covid, you are signing an agreement that you take full responsibility for anything that might happen afterwards. That's just crazy for me. No one is willing to take responsibility, and all unfavorable (even if plausible) ethical (medical) and independent scientific research is being suppressed (I'm not talking about facebook moms here, I'm talking about legit scientists).

My point is that this general distrust in this specific type of vaccine also comes from general distrust in governments and corporations. I'm not talking about 5G crap or whatever is it that anti-vaxxers are shouting right now. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I've been vaccinated for several stuff before (obligatory or not). I'm just worried and suspicious about this specific mRNA, untested, non-FDA approved vaccine for a virus that is likely made in a lab, for which independent oversight is being suppressed. I'm just sceptical, and I've given clear reasons why it's not just about me.

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26 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

The thing is of course the virus thrives on this chaos and must be really grateful of our lack of coordination and chaotic strategy to fight it as a species.

not to digress too much, but this whole thing has really made me think that if we are being observed by entities from another planet/galaxy/whatnot, they must be laughing their asses off right now at how we as a species have been handling the pandemic. "what? they have a vaccine for this virus and they're NOT taking it? ahahahahaha FOOLS!"

one the one hand, they know now that they could easily wipe us from existence because we suck at global coordination. on the other hand, they may be like "meh, they're too stupid to bother fucking with. onto the next planet."

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30 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

I did word that weirdly, I guess, I was in a hurry to paint a larger picture. I understand the 'we' point you're saying, and generally I agree with it. I would gladly oblige, but there are certain disparities that don't make sense to me, and since my trust for pharmaceutical industry and politics are basically zero at this point, I am worried about it. Not just worried for me, but for anyone who takes the vaccine. Because I know that there are huge profits and reputations at stake here, and if anything goes bad, who is going to take the responsibility for it? I'm sure you've heard how fiercely defended are reputations of corporations even when the wrongdoing is proven and obvious, why would it be any different at this point? Or how certain "experts" are bought by corporations to publish "science" that "proves" that everything is ok, and that agro-chemicals are not disrupting our hormones (I'm just putting an example here), while people are dying of cancer because of it....

When you get vaccinated for Covid, you are signing an agreement that you take full responsibility for anything that might happen afterwards. That's just crazy for me. No one is willing to take responsibility, and all unfavorable (even if plausible) ethical (medical) and independent scientific research is being suppressed (I'm not talking about facebook moms here, I'm talking about legit scientists).

My point is that this general distrust in this specific type of vaccine also comes from general distrust in governments and corporations. I'm not talking about 5G crap or whatever is it that anti-vaxxers are shouting right now. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I've been vaccinated for several stuff before (obligatory or not). I'm just worried and suspicious about this specific mRNA, untested, non-FDA approved vaccine for a virus that is likely made in a lab, for which independent oversight is being suppressed. I'm just sceptical, and I've given clear reasons why it's not just about me.

But then why do they mention the extremely few cases when people get really bad aftereffects?

You know, because this will indeed have effect on vaccination rate and profit. Why would doctors do that if they were all in the pockets of corporation?

Oh because 

Scientists DO follow scientific protocol and DO care about safety and cannot be put into this one group of people serving Big Pharma like slaves. You cannot just go out and buy every single health expert like its kraft dinner.

Also: This vaccine.Has.Been.Tested.I repeat. Has been tested.

Pretty sure you're speaking anti-vaxxer by the way. Hate to break it to you, might be a new thing but eh you're just shouting back the good ol' anti-vaxx rhethoric, you've been converted im afraid.




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I distrust the government. I don't like corporations. I understand that.

But when a fucking bunch of virologists and epidemiologists and doctors get together and with amazingly overwhelming consensus tell the world : '' this fucking virus is no joke''

I fucking listen to them.

I'm not listening to the government or big pharma when i take precautions and take the vaccine.

I'm listening to these men and women who spent their lives studying health issues, viruses and pandemics and i trust their words and expertise.

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1 hour ago, zero said:

not to digress too much, but this whole thing has really made me think that if we are being observed by entities from another planet/galaxy/whatnot, they must be laughing their asses off right now at how we as a species have been handling the pandemic. "what? they have a vaccine for this virus and they're NOT taking it? ahahahahaha FOOLS!"

one the one hand, they know now that they could easily wipe us from existence because we suck at global coordination. on the other hand, they may be like "meh, they're too stupid to bother fucking with. onto the next planet."

I mean you just have to pretend it's happening to another species, not to humans, on a remote planet.

X species is victim of a bad virus on planet Xeroxmmos.

X species, luckily, is quite smart and develop an effective cure to prevent infections in very short amount of time.

X species is also quite dumb and has loads of people that dont want it and like to pretend the virus doesnt exist or that the cure is more dangerous than the virus.


You'll just stand there and be fucking confused to whether they're the smartest thing you've ever seen or the dumbest thing you've ever seen. And also wonder about how long such a confused species can last and survive.

I certainly wonder myself. I see this and wonder about global warming which is an even bigger issue and i cant see us on the planet in 100 000 years.

Cockroaches should be still around tho.

We humans have equally the most beautiful and extraordinary brain power on the planet but also the most extraordinary chaotic and confused brain power on the planet. The more i see how we behave as a species the more i'm afraid we're a short lived burst on this planet. Bright and shiny but probably short lived in terms of survival expectancy. I don't think we can compete with what dinosaurs have achieved on the long term hahaha

But now i digress.


Edited by thefxbip
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4 minutes ago, custom knob said:

[quote]When you get vaccinated for Covid, you are signing an agreement that you take full responsibility for anything that might happen afterwards.

dick went from 2 to 2.5 inches. not suing anyone. 

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1 hour ago, cichlisuite said:


When you get vaccinated for Covid, you are signing an agreement that you take full responsibility for anything that might happen afterwards. That's just crazy for me. No one is willing to take responsibility, and all unfavorable (even if plausible) ethical (medical) and independent scientific research is being suppressed (I'm not talking about facebook moms here, I'm talking about legit scientists).


signing an informed consent for a medical treatment is standard practice, its an aknowledgement that you understand what the treatment is, what it is for, and what the risks of undertaking it are, and that knowing all those things you are happy to proceed - there's a reasonable argument to be had about the "informed" part, but this is not unusual at all

and which research is being suppressed? I've found dozens of case reports of adverse outcomes from vaccines on pubmed, articles on allergic reaction rates for the different vaccines and multiple articles on alternative treatments, including ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D

there's even multiple research articles about that oleandrin extract that the my pillow guy is pushing

so unless you're talking about intravenous bleach, I'm not sure what research you think is being suppressed

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4 hours ago, ignatius said:

dick went from 2 to 2.5 inches. not suing anyone. 

This side effect should be major news. Then we'll see an uptick in vaccinations for sure.

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8 hours ago, chenGOD said:

And anti-vaxxers are the ongoing control group lol

In all seriousness though. And I mean ALL seriousness. This could not be considered a well-desgined RCT. Because the control group, the anti-vaxxers, are not just a random group. There seems to be a huge selection bias. It's mostly ..euh... very particular people. With valid concerns. And nice tinfoil hats.

tin foil film GIF


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Imagine actually thinking that the whole thing is some kind of veiled, mass bio attack. Must be scary shit, like a real, living horror film unfolding before your eyes.

I remember having a moment while queing for my first vaccine, where the whole thing felt a little ominous. People queing in nervous silence for this new vaccine against a mysterious virus. 

But what do the ones who are against the vaccines say about all the other vaccines that exist, ones they probably got as kids and have proved to be safe and spared them of things like measles, hooping cough etc? 

I can understand a degree of concern regarding the whole thing, but what I don't get is the aspect of mistrust that seems to be fuelling it, the idea that there is malicious intent involved. 

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19 minutes ago, ooqpoo said:

Imagine actually thinking that the whole thing is some kind of veiled, mass bio attack. Must be scary shit, like a real, living horror film unfolding before your eyes.

I remember having a moment while queing for my first vaccine, where the whole thing felt a little ominous. People queing in nervous silence for this new vaccine against a mysterious virus. 

But what do the ones who are against the vaccines say about all the other vaccines that exist, ones they probably got as kids and have proved to be safe and spared them of things like measles, hooping cough etc? 

I can understand a degree of concern regarding the whole thing, but what I don't get is the aspect of mistrust that seems to be fuelling it, the idea that there is malicious intent involved. 

Well said, almost every one of these anti-vaxxers, at least in the US, has been vaccinated repeatedly during their lives, first by their parents. Also, common sense and reason should preempt fear, like why would all of these highly educated scientists and doctors take the vaccines themselves, as well as give it to their families, if they didn’t have full confidence in them? Duh.

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Some more encouraging stuff about your vaccine protecting others even from Delta: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261295v1

Preprint obviously but:


While initial Ct values were similar; the effect of vaccination with a more rapid decline in viral load (and hence shorter duration of viral shedding) has implications on transmissibility and infection control policy. A shorter duration of infectivity may allow a shorter duration of isolation for vaccinated individuals. Based on our data, it seems likely that vaccination reduces secondary transmission, though this needs to be further studied in larger community surveillance studies. Other studies found similar impact of vaccination on other variants.


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On 7/30/2021 at 10:20 PM, thefxbip said:

Still very baffled by the fact Covid/Mask/Vaccine are politicized. Still very baffled that its perceived as this world order elite regime invention and conspiration.

When you take the virus in itself, it's an objectively existing dangerous illness with objectively existing preventions methods and solutions not that much different from any other medical conditions. Not very complicated. If youre not careful its transmitted. Vaccine help to prevent transmission and illness. Lockdown controls it. For me, its the same as a broken arm and a plaster cast to fix it, or a cancer, or any other medical conditions.

Should be quite simple to understand. Yet....because it has a global scale and it's an invisible virus, it complicate things, lots of sphere of human activity become affected and it really breakdown quickly.

Human like to complicate things i guess. Seems to happen every now and then from what ive read about past  pandemics, anti-maskers and conspiration just pop up... it seems part of it is almost inevitable to some degree. We have to do the best we can, compliance will never be 100% even in things like deadly viruses. Human diversity inevitably brings chaos and divergence even in simple things like pineapple on pizza so a global scale virus...

The thing is of course the virus thrives on this chaos and must be really grateful of our lack of coordination and chaotic strategy to fight it as a species.

Yeah, but no, but yeah. The thing is that the Corona virus is real but it is not nearly as dangerous as they want you to think. They just took this opportunity to start mass social experiments and exercise further control over citizens. People have a blind believe in science and government which is enabled by the mainstream media that are all just mouthpieces of the government and policy makers. This is how they try to set us up against each other while we should be coming together and form a fist against our tyrants. But because science has become faith the people that adhere to it are like religious fanatics which is making it difficult to have them see the error of their ways. Science has been wrong so many times so it’s obviously flawed and things in general are not as great as they could be which means that we’re being exploited and things would be so much better if we overthrow the current system and install a new system that is actually democratic and we all constantly are involved in policy making through the way of referenda. We will simply get the information we need to make informed decisions from the internet, so we can bypass the evil mainstream media and get quality info from people who have only our best interest in mind. The other scientists all have mixed interests or are being manipulated, but this diffuse group of people that is made up of anonymous sources, random internet posters and old white emiratis posting their monetised news/talk shows from the dining kitchen of their idyllically situated renovated farm will show the way. If you’re interested I can show you some YouTube videos and you too can know the definite answer to everything instead of being one of those stupid bumbling idiots that keeps changing their mind based on false new information. Seriously, they are just trying to cause panic, don’t listen to these evil blood drinking devil worshippers that try to manipulate and control us. Everything is fine, we can basically keep the status quo as long as we vote the right people into office to overthrow the malicious elite that is exploiting us and we can all just go back to our daily jobs and normal lives the way we’re used to.   

This is basically what I’ve been able to distill from hours and hours of irl conversations with people that have “woken up” over the last year or so. 

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Got word yesterday that one of my coworkers, who was vaccinated over a month ago, tested positive after being in contact with a family member - also vaccinated - who was not aware they were infected. 

This follows news I got about a month ago that one of my cousins, a healthcare worker (at an assisted-living facility), tested positive despite being vaccinated AND having already caught covid last October. He said this second infection was worse. Thankfully the illness subsided about a week after he tested positive. 

Don't get too comfy, folks ?

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