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waaaat! what_was_good_with_tha_mad_max?! have you watched the first movie? ...okokokokok forget about it. sorry


aaaammm...agree with the probable 'too much action/car chases scenario' assumption but in the middle of the rush we'll have long shots of gosling walking reaaaly slow with johanson's 'pull a cello sample through a convolution reverb as an impulse over a human voice sample and stretch it inhumanly' in the background... yes, it's gonna suck! ...probably


i mean, the way gosling walks (and talks) in the trailer is beyond stupid imo, the energy is somehow wrong. and i cant really explain why but it just doesnt seem realistic to me. is he frightened? wary? is he bored? what? ok it's just a trailer but still i cant imagine what's going on in his head that'd be remotely interesting.

Edited by xox
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waaaat! what_was_good_with_tha_mad_max?! have you watched the first movie? ...okokokokok forget about it. sorry


aaaammm...agree with the probable 'too much action/car chases scenario' assumption but in the middle of the rush we'll have long shots of gosling walking reaaaly slow with johanson's 'pull a cello sample through a convolution reverb as an impulse over a human voice sample and stretch it inhumanly' in the background... yes, it's gonna suck! ...probably


i mean, the way gosling walks (and talks) in the trailer is beyond stupid imo, the energy is somehow wrong. and i cant really explain why but it just doesnt seem realistic to me. is he frightened? wary? is he bored? what? ok it's just a trailer but still i cant imagine what's going on in his head that'd be remotely interesting.

But to be fair, a teaser for the original Blade Runner, made from only some of the footage, would probably be as 'meh' as this is.
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not entirely sure what to make of this (yet), but I don't like the idea of them meddling with a nicely open end – deckard seems to be a replicant now, and a hunted one at that and I just don't want that kind of continuation. 

I know they didn't stay too faithful to PKD's source material but I also dislike the idea that it's not based on his material. we need more PKD adaptions. 

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not entirely sure what to make of this (yet), but I don't like the idea of them meddling with a nicely open end – deckard seems to be a replicant now, and a hunted one at that and I just don't want that kind of continuation. 

I know they didn't stay too faithful to PKD's source material but I also dislike the idea that it's not based on his material. we need more PKD adaptions. 



Good points. The open-ended nature of the first film was perfect.


We need new movies that are classics in the making not this endless rebooting of films that probably should never be done again at all.


I just watched Bladerunner again tonight. Boy, they're gonna have to produce something absolutely monumental to do it justice. Then again, I guess a younger generation probably haven't ever seen the original. They'll just be happy that Ryan Gosling is in it and 'that guy who plays the joker'.


I don't think it will be awful but I do think it will be a very contrived movie, that pushes all the fan-boy buttons (in the way that JJ Abrams does) and will be a massive success commercially and in terms of popularity but as time passes it will fade quickly from memory.

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Good points. The open-ended nature of the first film was perfect.


We need new movies that are classics in the making not this endless rebooting of films that probably should never be done again at all.


I just watched Bladerunner again tonight. Boy, they're gonna have to produce something absolutely monumental to do it justice. Then again, I guess a younger generation probably haven't ever seen the original. They'll just be happy that Ryan Gosling is in it and 'that guy who plays the joker'.


I don't think it will be awful but I do think it will be a very contrived movie, that pushes all the fan-boy buttons (in the way that JJ Abrams does) and will be a massive success commercially and in terms of popularity but as time passes it will fade quickly from memory.

I wouldn't say that there's no innovation in film at all anymore, you just won't find it in any blockbusters, as those are – more than ever –carefully constructed, economically, with expected profits in the millions/billions, and should one tank, it could potentially ruin an entire studio. So of course they won't experiment around. 


Generally, I feel like we live in an overly nostalgic time (are there any psychological studies about this by the way?) and studio economists got a whiff of what's up. So all we're getting now is rehashed concepts everyone born before 2001 can relate to. Sad thing is that it's slowly taking over more independent projects as well, It Follows comes to mind – I liked it but did it stand out for anything other than being reminiscent of 80s horror flicks? Same with Stranger Things. 


Anyway, Blade Runner 2049 (title feels weird to type out) won't ever do the "first one" justice, my only hope is that it won't leave any legacy stains.

Edited by romanticdude
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Lol. Ryan Gosling is walking around all slow like: "Woah I'm on the set of Bladerunner HOLY SHIT."

I bet he's gonna walk around like that fanboying at everything. OMG DEES FOG FX. OMG DEES 80S VANGELIS SOUNDS. OMG DECKARD'S GONNA SHOOT ME THIS IS SOOO KEWL

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I like what I'm seeing so far in the new teaser. cautious optimism still.


Hollywood managed to do good with Mad Max


er, nah.



Village Roadshow Pictures is a leading Australian co-producer and co-financier of major Hollywood motion pictures.


Mad Max: Fury Road, was produced in conjunction with Warner Brothers Pictures, one of the "Big Six" major American film studios located of Hollywood, California.



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I'm torn on this one, I really want it to be good, because as we all know, the first one was incredible... But, we also know how the trend of Hollywood reboots can go. It's hard to tell from the trailer really, it seems they got the basic aesthetics down but that's all that can really be judged from it. There's no telling yet wether or not it'll be a quality sequel or the average Hollywood-ized bullshit reboot.


I want to like it, but I'm still skeptical and withholding judgement.

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as always nearly everyone is going to say : The first one was much better, why even make a sequel ? , gosling is a terrible actor, script is really bad and so on......

and I´m going to enjoy the movie :)

Edited by Kavinsky
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