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Runaway Train

Danggg, what a movie! Absolute gem! Great performances by all, thrilling action and a perfect example of a pulp script done to a high cinematic standard, transcending from the B-movie genre into 'cinema'. Eric Roberts is also hilarious in it.


John Voight is a total bad arse/10



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Just watched one of my top ten.





Only the 4th time I've watched it in my life. Still in the highest echelons on the greatest things ever created. Mind blown.

Edited by beerwolf
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step into the air-lock, Dave



yeah, it's a top film. I've still not gotten around to seeing the remake, Sorcerer by William Friedkin - starring Roy Scheider, which is supposed to be really good as well.



Had that sitting on me hard-drive for too long,


VVitches was good fun, see how many tracks n mixes lift certain samples


got the atmosphere spot on + the realism, suggestion, horror and an ending that raises it above most

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was talked into a free showing of hardcore henry


utter shit



Are you fuckin kidding me? Hardcore Henry was best action flick I've seen in ages!


It takes a huge rainbow-colored piss on every cookie-cutter Marvel, Fast & Furious, and Michael Bay movie ever made. I literally walked out of the theater tonight with a grin on my face.


Hardcore Henry = badass/10

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Guest bitroast

Affleck's decided he'll write and direct another Batman movie, and play Batman again. these cunts'll never learn.


can only assume by 'these cunts'll never learn' you're referring to the people buying movie tickets and constantly saying "it was alright. it was at better than [hollywood movie from 6-12 months ago that now appears bad in hindsight]"


as for mr affleck ...



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lol, them too. I'm more annoyed at Hollywood but if shit sells then they'll keep producing shit, so really the blame is on the buyers.

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what if I told you he hates Kraftwerk and thinks it's "bleepy bloopy shit music for nerds"?

Edited by usagi
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The Witch . . no doubt one of the finest horror films to come out in recent times. no pop jump scares, just pure atmosphere of dread, while the ending could of ruined the entire film, fortunately it was executed with excellence. great film and haunting score too... I'm looking forward to Robert Eggers other films too, he's one to watch out for in the future 4 sure

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Philip Roth's A.P.E.X.




Took me back to a time when I would rent out b-movies from the video shop by the bucket load. Any film that starts with a robotic voice introduction is onto a winner, then add a paradox time line story, robots, fit wife, aggressive chief and subtle nuances to popular culture of the early 1990s then my eyes are staying for the duration. The 3D bits are dated but the headset could be a rival to the latest offerings this year. Early 1990s cinematography in it's 4:3 format can be quite jarring at times and the films can feel quite enclosed. It even has the graffiti tag "PHUQU" which made me laugh.



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Philip Roth's A.P.E.X.




Took me back to a time when I would rent out b-movies from the video shop by the bucket load. Any film that starts with a robotic voice introduction is onto a winner, then add a paradox time line story, robots, fit wife, aggressive chief and subtle nuances to popular culture of the early 1990s then my eyes are staying for the duration. The 3D bits are dated but the headset could be a rival to the latest offerings this year. Early 1990s cinematography in it's 4:3 format can be quite jarring at times and the films can feel quite enclosed. It even has the graffiti tag "PHUQU" which made me laugh.




this was streaming in chatmm's dubtrack a while back, I found it pretty much unwatchably awful I have to say, and I have a high tollerance for shitty movies. there were a few funny/awful bits, but not enough to make it worth watching properly.

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The Devil's Rejects, The Lords of Salem - why do people keep giving Roberto Zombus money to make this shite? Each one is worst than the last. The stuffed turkey Satan was pretty funny though.

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