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Coronavirus COVID-19


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Just now, chenGOD said:

Mate, the mortality rate for 20-50 is .25%. Going to the hospital if you’re in that age range is fucking selfish. 

Part of the reason the mortality rate is so low for people under 60 is thanks to treatment people are receiving in hospitals. Healthy people in their 30s-50s are being put on oxygen and some on ventilators, this happens with people with no underlying health problems, but smokers and asthmatics, etc. are even more at risk. In Italy now they are prioritizing treatment for people under 60. You should read some accounts about what is actually happening in hospitals right now, this is very serious, and requires serious medical interventions in many cases, not just for the elderly. The same risks to younger peopler are there for the regular Flu, luckily it's far rarer due to the lower transmissibility, and the potential lethality was worse for MERS/SARS/Swine Flu, but this one is no joke either. If we didn't have modern medical practices this outbreak would probably be about 10x more deadly than it is.

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4 minutes ago, BobDobalina said:

^ I had quietly assumed the G was "Get Coronavirus anyway"

I thought they left off the G but the T was supposed to be an H. I need to stop drinking.

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22 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Mate, the mortality rate for 20-50 is .25%. Going to the hospital if you’re in that age range is fucking selfish. 

It’s not a nitpick either it’s just pointing out an error in your argument. 

To be fair, if my chances of winning the lottery were 1 in 400 I'd be blowing all my savings on lotto tickets.

j/k I don't have any savings.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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Just arrived at work and everyone is here like it’s nothing, this country is governed by psychopaths and next week will be total chaos...

Edited by d-a-m-o
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It might be 0.25% death for under 50 but it's almost 20% of major pneumonia that needs hospitalisation.  So basically 1 out of 5 of you could end up with a fucking Tracheal intubation and ventilator

Edited by Bob Dylan
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Reports are coming in from people in China who have recovered from covid-19 have severe decreased lung functioning. Anywhere from 1/4th to 1/3rd of those that had to be hospitalized lose anywhere between 20-30% of their lung functioning.

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A lot of pneumonia-prone adults with children should be pulling the kids out of school. If this happened in the late 90s/early 00s my dad would have been a goner. He was man-fluey and hospital-prone most winters, and kids would spread it something fierce.

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Bars and restaurants will be closed in WA state, as well as "entertainment and recreational facilities".  Events of 50+ now banned.

Will be really interesting to see what happens next to reimburse all of these businesses and employees.

Edited by alchemical
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10 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

Reports are coming in from people in China who have recovered from covid-19 have severe decreased lung functioning. Anywhere from 1/4th to 1/3rd of those that had to be hospitalized lose anywhere between 20-30% of their lung functioning.

This would improve over time, there will be scarring of lung tissue, it will repair itself all other things being well. The virus infects and takes over cells, and the immune response is to kill those cells, putting you on oxygen or a ventilator allows you to live long enough for your immune system to take out the infection, hopefully you're healthy enough after that to come off the ventilator, and then over the coming weeks your lungs would repair themselves.

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36 minutes ago, Bob Dylan said:

It might be 0.25% death for under 50 but it's almost 20% of major pneumonia that needs hospitalisation.  So basically 1 out of 5 of you could end up with a fucking Tracheal intubation and ventilator

Best Dylan song by far.

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2 hours ago, Entorwellian said:

cruise ships, voting trump, voting to claw back public and health services, deterioration of working class wages, selling out to foreign capital, hoarding, bubba gump's shrimp company,  and jimmy buffett.

mostly jimmy buffett

With the risk of sounding ignorant, i don't think that can be said about every country... You mean the USA right? If so, that can be said about every generation? Murica right?

My parents grew up under dictatorship and had to fight to get rid of it... I think they did some good for the country, that can't be said about my gen neither the ones after mine... 

Proof that the boomers deserve it less than the generations that came after are examples like the dance cast i work with, that 1 hour ago were playing some song which the lyrics go like corona virus, this shit is real... Laughing and jumping around... To add fuel to the fire, tomorrow, first day without passengers, there's gonna be an all crew party in open deck in the pool... Just imagine the level of retardness that's going on around here... 

Don't know if i should take you seriously, even 3 or 4 days ago you were crying out loud for your wellbeing and now you're dropping jokes like your stoned af... 


Edited by Tim_J
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8 hours ago, Psychotronic said:

A virus can reinfect if it mutates, that also means that it changes it's properties.

It doesn't need to mutate to be able to reinfect, btw. After the first time, there is no guarantee that you're completely immune. It's not a black/white thing where you're either immune or not. Thing is, when being in this inbetween zone and reinfected, symptoms will be more severe as the response of the immune system will be more jacked up. That expert guy on Joe Rogan a couple of days ago, Michael Olmstrom or something, talked about this as well. 

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25 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

With the risk of sounding ignorant, i don't think that can be said about every country... You mean the USA right? If so, thay can be said about every generation? Murica right?

My parents grew up under dictatorship and had to fight to get rid of it... I think they did some good for the country, that can't be said about my gen neither the ones after mine... 

Proof that they deserve it less than the generations that came after are examples like the dance cast i work with, that 1 hour ago were playing some song which the lyrics go like corona virus, this shit is real... Laughing and jumping around... To add fuel to the fire, tomorrow, first day without passengers, there's gonna be an all crew party in open deck in the pool... Just imagine the level of retardness that's going around here... 

Don't know if i should take you seriously, even 3 or 4 days ago you were crying out loud for your wellbeing and now you're dropping jokes like your stoned af... 


I was hospitalized for a month at the end of 2019 for viral bronchitis and had to be intubated. I'm going to fucking die from this lol.


And yeah basically America with a hefty chunk of Canada, UK and Australia thrown into the mix. For real though keep in contact with your family as much as possible. I'd say go visit them but that might be a death sentence if they're +50

Edited by Entorwellian
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Reinfections aren't necessarily actual reinfections either. Your viral load might decrease, but not be completely wiped out (and you might even be tested again and passed clear), but it just hangs around in some small number of cells and then starts replicating again in a big way after a bit. This commonly happens with cold infections, which your body fights back and succumbs to in waves.

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10 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

I was hospitalized for a month at the end of 2019 for viral bronchitis and had to be intubated. I'm going to fucking die from this lol.


And yeah basically America with a hefty chunk of Canada, UK and Australia thrown into the mix. For real though keep in contact with your family as much as possible. I'd say go visit them but that might be a death sentence if they're +50

Good luck. ( no sarcasm)

One positive bit though, if you happen to need treatment in a hospital in the coming months, and hospitals are overwhelmed, you might get better help than a 90-something as you're still a young guy. Those "war zone" decisions might be in favor of you. 

Edited by goDel
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45 minutes ago, Roo said:

A lot of pneumonia-prone adults with children should be pulling the kids out of school. If this happened in the late 90s/early 00s my dad would have been a goner. He was man-fluey and hospital-prone most winters, and kids would spread it something fierce.

Going to work tomorrow. My health is good and I don't fall ill often. My office doesn't get much foot traffic and we're spaced fairly well office wise.

My wife is staying home with the kids - she had bronchitis just a couple years ago, typical shot immunity from having our second kid 2 years ago and a history of asthma. she had the flu in Feb aggravated by sleepiness and stress from her mom passing away in January 

Her job, a TX state office, has not been closed yet or been directed to have teleworking. this is despite the Governor advising offices to let non-essential workers stay at home and/or work from home. Despite no instructions given her and many coworkers are simply not going in on Monday, they've sent formal emails expressing concerns and the needlessness of going in and risking their and others health especially since it's interim (i.e. the legislature isn't in session) and the TX Capitol is heavy on tourist and visitor traffic.

It will probably get resolved tomorrow - apparently department heads are finally meeting about it, but she's disillusioned AF about the whole thing especially since there is likely political optics at play, with the TX Senate leadership trying to posture that this is being handled fine and concerns are overblown.

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Bit of interesting info about treatment of fever making things worse instead of better. It's 14 mins in when talking about situation in Italy.

So, if you have a fever, be cautious. Just consider it's caused by your immune system for good reasons.


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