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Funny Autechre Stories


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At first I got away with it because there was this really loud noise from the cooker hood lol. But then at around Plyphon or Perlence the noise stopped and they heard Quaristice and not long afterwards I had to put on some jazz or something.


'nother story, I once played Gantz Graf quite loudly at a small house party, just for shits and giggles ofc, but my mate (who's into metal and rock) thought it was quite cool.


haha. Great mental image given :D keep up the good work, people who don't know autechre having autechre put at them are funny to experience/hear about. teeheee, tickle tickle, teheee.

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I was told long ago about one time Rob/Sean put Aphex up for the night after some event, but instead of sleeping like everyone else, he spent the whole night ripping their entire CD collection

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I played some Oversteps tracks to a Malagasy pimp/hustler/whatever (he seemed to be doing all kinds of business) in a bar in Madagascar. He didn't really care for them. What he really wanted from me was to fix his Android tablet. He also tried to hook me up a with a girl but I declined.


Also, this tidbit from the conversation was pretty funny.

Him: What kind of work do you do?

Me: Software.

Him: You mean like t-shirts? *pinches his own t-shirt*


He also gave me his email address so I could give it to Scandinavian girls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This just popped up in my feed, the Dutch acid house party organisation 030303 posted this about opening up for Autechre:


Met reguliere 030303 feestjes in de Helling, Ekko, Theater Kikker én in de Melkweg kan ik niet anders zeggen dat we het best goed deden. Een zeer mooie dj-gig die me is bijgebleven is het voorprogramma van Autechre. Natuurlijk drinken we geen slok minder, en als een van ons half out in de backstage ligt zegt Autechre "We used to be like that", Haha…

"when one of the 030303 guys drunkenly passed out in the backstage room, Autechre said: "we used to be like that". :happy:

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One time I was playing Incunabula and my dad said it "sounds like mood music", whatever that means. I replied with "it's Autechre!" and he said something like "that's a funny name.. aw-taka-taka-tooie". DAAAAD IT'S SERIOUS MUSIC MAN SHUTUP

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One time I was playing Incunabula and my dad said it "sounds like mood music", whatever that means. I replied with "it's Autechre!" and he said something like "that's a funny name.. aw-taka-taka-tooie". DAAAAD IT'S SERIOUS MUSIC MAN SHUTUP


This Is Serious, Mum Dad

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I think it's pretty funny that I'm the only one on watmm that doesn't like Exai.


It's a pretty weird place to be tbh, (maybe I rearranged my brain to much with certain chemicals and need to realign them somehow)


Anyway I played Untilted the other day and it blew my socks off. That reassured me somewhat.

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  • 3 months later...

I made progress, sort of.

I was cooking while blasting Envane, and when it was over my mom said "could you play some more lounge music?" lol

so I put on Chiastic Slide and she seemed okay with it, no comment though.

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I've been using the phrase "lel drag that note length bb" with friends who are ae friends but yesterday I fucked up and said that to a girl

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I was cumming extremely stupid hard, like I thought for sure I would have to go to the emergency room and was like "oh fuck how am I going to explain this to my wife like 'so listen I was cumming so hard to ae but I think I need to go to the hospital'" but then a lush pad came in, cum lovingly sprinkled down upon everything like the most wholesome snowflakes on Christmas morning, Kevin ran out to give the hobo-pigeon lady some stupid turtle dove ornament and I collapsed back into the lush bed as the Mcallister family distributed gifts all morning. I got the limited quaristice. best day ever.

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once upon a time, there two autechres, rob and sean. rob liked melodies and sean liked beats, or so the town rumours went, but both were described as equally lush blokes, innit.


one morning, ...


<complete this story, 3-word story thread style>

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