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Watched the first few episodes of Disenchantment. It's decent. Pretty much the same thing as Futurama but set in fantasy.


the dwarf - troll battle in the first episode was kind of very lol.

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Watched the first few episodes of Disenchantment. It's decent. Pretty much the same thing as Futurama but set in fantasy.

the dwarf - troll battle in the first episode was kind of very lol.

“Hmm. Well, I like war, but I’m not sure I love it.”

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Watched the first few episodes of Disenchantment. It's decent. Pretty much the same thing as Futurama but set in fantasy.


the dwarf - troll battle in the first episode was kind of very lol.



i*ll make that gnomes vs orges...Hi, I'm Elfo. *thud* *zlopp*


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Sharp Objects is boring..............







Good sedative effects though.


I hate shows where the dead bodies are the only interesting part of the series.


her mom gets on my fuckin nerves


It's like True Detective season one but not good.


Does anything happen after episode 2?

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this was terrible. barely even made it past the halfway mark of the first episode. netflix continues it's tradition of rarely having anything worth watching. pretty impressive

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How would you know if it's terrible if you've only seen 1/20th of it?



And I dunno... I really enjoyed Dark. My wife made me watch Orange Is The New Black... And that was tolerable. BoJack Horseman took a while to grow on me, but I found it fairly entertaining. The End Of The Fucking World is pretty cute. Sense8 isn't bad... And House Of Cards was good enough to keep me interested through all its released seasons.



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I'm watching sharp objects - it looks like bad tv directed well

It's actually good tv directed badly. Well, more the editing that's done badly (trying too hard to be arty, but it just gets in the way), and the overall structure of the show (the non-linear elements are annoying). The acting is great though, and the overall story is good, the town and characters are interesting.
I have a co-worker that I "watercooler" shows with and his problem with Sharp Objects is a perfect example of what's wrong with the show.


First he said "did you catch The Sharper Image?" which for those young/outside of US, that was a department store and catalogue that carried specialty gifts--dunno if it even exists anymore. Another week, he began with "hey did you see Sharper Things?"

After laughing really hard at his flubs, I realized that part of the reason he couldn't get the show name right was how nondescript and slippery everything is. It would have been a passable 90 minute psychodrama but it's positively torturous at 8 hours. Well it's over tonight at least.



Sharping Bad


Sharp Detective

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sweet jeebus that erran morrad bit on who is america is out of this world, it's a spotty show with really dumb and useless bits but when it peaks it easily rivals nathan for you's top stuff.

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Disenchantment was a slog. Although it did look like it might have started to find its stride in the second half. It's no Futurama, that's for sure.


Watching Castle Rock. Enjoying it, quite nice. The sixth episode was dope. 

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Disenchantment is pretty good, did take a while to get going, but comedy shows almost always do, especially animated ones. Still have a couple of episodes to go. Definitely not as good as Futurama, but has the potential to get up there, it has a much more cynical edge to it, which is nice.

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Apple has purchased the rights to the Foundation Trilogy and is working on a 10 episode season 1. Hopefully it won't suck, they do have shitloads of money to invest innit.




Please don't suck . . . please don't suck . . . please don't be the Dark Tower fail. . . please don't be the Dark Tower fail. . .


Incidentally, this reminded me how much I love Michael Whelan's stuff (not even knowing it was him, just growing up reading Asimov, Niven, etc.):




from that awesome link and also:



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I have zero complaints about Sharp Objects. Amazing show. wow. Loved the editing, the music, great show, great editing, The "non-linear elements" are short enough not to get annoying. They are very artful and didn't take me out of the plot line. I guess it's just opinion. I hate flash back non linear as much as the rest, but no complaints about this shows working of it

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not sure in anyone else is a venture bros person but season 8 is going great. impressive show really 



I'm big on Venture! Damn episode 3 was simply incredible. They seemlessly tied up so many loose ends, harking all the way back to season 1. The new depth to the animation is great too.

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