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here is a true adult classic i caught last night. 


the film starts with annette haven and her husband in a hot tub watching a football game on tv. they actually have 3 tv's all playing a football game. the husband literary cannot stop watching the game which frustrates annette so she watches "an adult" film on another tv. this (i suppose) prompts her to have a ladies night at a local bar with her girlfriends. this is where the shenanigans happen:


meanwhile back at home, the husband invites some of his friends to watch the football game- in the hottub. but these guys get bored so they call up some cheerleaders and have a couple of shenanigans themselves- in the hottub- whilst the husband still watches the football game.


highly recommended (if you're into this kind of thing)

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win it all - ultra conventional and even ultra predictable indie (but not jew york, artfag, black and white for no reason, everyone speaks in clever one liners kind of indie) comedy drama about a dude with a gambling addiction who gets in trouble and has to pull himself out. it's paced and acted well, it feels honest, lifelike and unpretentious and goes down well, like a deece beer. probably forgettable but very enjoyable nonetheless.

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off 9/10 first time I'd seen this, extremelt watchable, had a smile on my face throughout


David Brent: Life On The Road 1/10.......


Leaving D.C 5/10 (I have a soft spot for found footage films)


Speed 9/10 I was a young buck when this came out and remember falling head over heels in love with Sandra Bullock. In retrospect still one of the best action films of the 90s, so enjoyable, though the dialogue remains sub cheese. 


Wichita 4/10 most of the film was a let down, 4 stars for the first quarter which was really promising


A Cure For Wellness 8/10 maybe it was because I went into this thinking it was a low budget film about a guy joining a cult (way off the mark) but this was quite impressive. I Like how they had the balls to go with a fully blown OTT ending.


Get Out 5/10 Despite its subject matter this remains a little..dull. Kind of stiff acting and everything done by the numbers. Nothing particularly bad, but nothing particularly good either. 

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off 9/10 first time I'd seen this, extremelt watchable, had a smile on my face throughout


David Brent: Life On The Road 1/10.......


Leaving D.C 5/10 (I have a soft spot for found footage films)


Speed 9/10 I was a young buck when this came out and remember falling head over heels in love with Sandra Bullock. In retrospect still one of the best action films of the 90s, so enjoyable, though the dialogue remains sub cheese.


Wichita 4/10 most of the film was a let down, 4 stars for the first quarter which was really promising


A Cure For Wellness 8/10 maybe it was because I went into this thinking it was a low budget film about a guy joining a cult (way off the mark) but this was quite impressive. I Like how they had the balls to go with a fully blown OTT ending.


Get Out 5/10 Despite its subject matter this remains a little..dull. Kind of stiff acting and everything done by the numbers. Nothing particularly bad, but nothing particularly good either.

I quite liked David Brent. I felt sorry for the poor bastard. You could call him anything under the sun, so to speak, but in the end he was just a lonely guy trying really hard, I just felt for him, you know? So he became likeable to me, and so did that movie.


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Ferris Bueller's Day Off 9/10 first time I'd seen this


*extremely slow motion shot of me dropping my cup of coffee as I read this, it shatters on the table, shards of glass and scalding coffee flying into my face, transitioning seamlessly into the T2 burning at the fence from a nuclear blast scene*

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off 9/10 first time I'd seen this, extremelt watchable, had a smile on my face throughout


David Brent: Life On The Road 1/10.......


Leaving D.C 5/10 (I have a soft spot for found footage films)


Speed 9/10 I was a young buck when this came out and remember falling head over heels in love with Sandra Bullock. In retrospect still one of the best action films of the 90s, so enjoyable, though the dialogue remains sub cheese.


Wichita 4/10 most of the film was a let down, 4 stars for the first quarter which was really promising


A Cure For Wellness 8/10 maybe it was because I went into this thinking it was a low budget film about a guy joining a cult (way off the mark) but this was quite impressive. I Like how they had the balls to go with a fully blown OTT ending.


Get Out 5/10 Despite its subject matter this remains a little..dull. Kind of stiff acting and everything done by the numbers. Nothing particularly bad, but nothing particularly good either.

I quite liked David Brent. I felt sorry for the poor bastard. You could call him anything under the sun, so to speak, but in the end he was just a lonely guy trying really hard, I just felt for him, you know? So he became likeable to me, and so did that movie.


Aye it had a really sweet ending :) Gervais just doesn't translate well to film. His series (minus Derek) make for great TV

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Late to it, but finally watched A Serious Man. I avoided it for this long because I was worried my enjoyment would be diminished by all the religious context. Aaaaand, yeah. Maybe it'll be a grower, but it didn't do much for me on first viewing. 

Edited by Auditor
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Late to it, but finally watched A Serious Man. I avoided it for this long because I was worried my enjoyment would be diminished by all the religious context. Aaaaand, yeah. Maybe it'll be a grower, but it didn't do much for me on first viewing.

it's actually one of the best films of the last 15 years. It's flawless in every aspect. I'm a serious man, Larry.
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Late to it, but finally watched A Serious Man. I avoided it for this long because I was worried my enjoyment would be diminished by all the religious context. Aaaaand, yeah. Maybe it'll be a grower, but it didn't do much for me on first viewing. 



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Willow Creek


I love Bobcat Goldthwait, and this was a pretty good found footage film. Could have gone a bit further with it I think, but the tense moments were damned tense. 

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The Wailing (Goksung) 2016 - Wha?...Film got a lot of love, but for me it was a grind. Horror,comedy,dramedy,thrillerdy...too many red herrings. Tighten that shit up. The exorcism/ritual scene half way through was probably the best sequence. But, the runtime...I think you could have chopped a 1/2 hr easily...

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Willow Creek


I love Bobcat Goldthwait, and this was a pretty good found footage film. Could have gone a bit further with it I think, but the tense moments were damned tense.

is this the sasquatch movie? yeah i liked it too. but I'm a sucker for some good found footage

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Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! - This made an interesting dbl feature with Audition (1999). Still, I found myself losing interest occasionally and probably spent more time thinking about art direction and set dressing than anything else. The last scene kinda justified it all for me though. 


The Salesman - I really liked this, and didn't find the intertextual shenanigans as cutesy or distracting as I'd expected. I need to see more of Taraneh Alidoosti too.


Laura (1944) - I have a blindspot for Preminger, and this should have been right up my alley. But it felt weirdly... intert compared to same-period Noir flix by Huston or Hawks (or Wilder). Probably try it again at some point. 

Edited by doublename
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Speed 9/10 I was a young buck when this came out and remember falling head over heels in love with Sandra Bullock. In retrospect still one of the best action films of the 90s, so enjoyable, though the dialogue remains sub cheese. 




Haven't seen it in years but it was an awesome action movie at the time. Thought this was funny



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The Party (2017)

this was pretty good. A few dialog lines / character tropes were quite on the nose, but great acting, good script, nice camera, worth seeing.

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Jackie Kennedy film. A new level of shit. Need to recalibrate everything. So bad it almost put me off cinema entirely. Off looking at things and listening. Off living. Slept through 20 mins in the middle. I wish I was still asleep. Obnoxious drivel.

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Jackie Kennedy film. A new level of shit. Need to recalibrate everything. So bad it almost put me off cinema entirely. Off looking at things and listening. Off living. Slept through 20 mins in the middle. I wish I was still asleep. Obnoxious drivel.

I know everyone thought Natalie Portman did an amazing job at portraying Jackie Kennedy but I thought her portrait seemed off... I couldn't tell if her acting was terrible or if it was spot on and I simply hated the "character".

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The Wailing (Goksung) 2016 - Wha?...Film got a lot of love, but for me it was a grind. Horror,comedy,dramedy,thrillerdy...too many red herrings. Tighten that shit up. The exorcism/ritual scene half way through was probably the best sequence. But, the runtime...I think you could have chopped a 1/2 hr easily...


it really is too long.

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