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was it good or bad. it seems fine but goddamn twitter is unbearable.




lol as if every other production design takes 2 weeks






They look so goddamned happy. Makes me happy for them.




It's not that hard people. It's a mainstream film that celebrates African culture. They deserve to have their fun.



They basically loved the movie and identify with the black cast in it so much that they're celebrating.

It's kind of like when a sports team wins and their fans violently riot, except this is peaceful and way better.




i'm sure the movie is fine, maybe slightly above average for marvel comic book fare, but the reactions to this have been completely embarrassing, mostly from white "ally" culture on twitter and the media who are acting like this is some kind of civil rights document. saying that, i haven't actually seen the movie, maybe it's really that amazing? 

Edited by zaphod
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was it good or bad. it seems fine but goddamn twitter is unbearable.




lol as if every other production design takes 2 weeks






They look so goddamned happy. Makes me happy for them.




It's not that hard people. It's a mainstream film that celebrates African culture. They deserve to have their fun.



They basically loved the movie and identify with the black cast in it so much that they're celebrating.

It's kind of like when a sports team wins and their fans violently riot, except this is peaceful and way better.




i'm sure the movie is fine, maybe slightly above average for marvel comic book fare, but the reactions to this have been completely embarrassing, mostly from white "ally" culture on twitter and the media who are acting like this is some kind of civil rights document. saying that, i haven't actually seen the movie, maybe it's really that amazing? 




It's not. I'd forgotten about it completely by the time I had driven home.


Standard comic book movie + black cast = hype city.


And Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins) with the most laughable American accent in the history of Motion Pictures.

Edited by fumi
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black panther


production design was pretty poor I thought. afrofuturism usually has so much egyptian shit in it but there was none of that here. instead there was a really sloppy mashup of a boring SOM skyscraper and the djenne mosque. cringeworthy. Costumes of course were fun but that material already exists -- in Africa. I wanted to see more of the city but they had about a half set of wakanda. very little there which was confusing. why not more with a budget like that. Design wasn't ready or producers nixed it because it sucked etc. CGI was also pretty poor. The "what are those" meme line was so atrocious. lol at Kenyans speaking Xhosa. And also lol at Andy Serkis trying to do a South African joburg accent, he tried but it's impossible. Biggest missed opportunity with the music. When an aesthetic movement like Afro-futurism is so intertwined with music, you need to do a better job. in some of the fight scenes there was this vague jlin sounding hit that just repeated... but that was it and it sounded like shit. And I'm not talking about the album with The Weeknd songs and Kendrick.


also apart from the clothes and accents it didn't feel that African- the rhinos and drums are a little too cheap imo. There was about 2 seconds of lupita doing a sexy African dance but that's all we got. she is so fucking hot. the sister was also hot but her character as the young hip STEM girl genius was a painful focus group lol. Plot also made no sense but w/e.

Edited by dr lopez
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I couldn't give a fuck. fuck a superhero movie.


I was going to say how the real fighters for change + progress who are dead and gone now are probably turning in their graves at the state of the cause and some of the idiots fighting it in their name today, but I'm going to check myself because, while I might think this is useless, for target audiences to see a black-led blockbuster might make for some positive change (in its own retarded way). it's going to fuel so much obnoxiousness from everyone on all sides though, I can't wait.


I Am Not Your Negro should be shown in every classroom.

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I enjoyed Black Panther but yeah, it looked cheap as hell. The CG was so dated. It's fairly formulaic Marvel capeshit that at least tries to be different with theme and conflict, at least.


But yeah it's a corporate product, ain't no revolution coming from this. If it flopped or even didn't meet profit expectations, Disney would just write "black-led films = bad" and never do one again.

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Watched Solaris (Clooney one) and it felt like it was half a movie or something. I dunno what I expected despite having heard about it for years, it was basically what I thought it was going to be, but it just wasn't much drawing me into it. I should've enjoyed it: great first 5-10 minutes getting into everything quickly and easily, some great acting from everyone most of the time (Clooney felt like he was ACTING at moments), the plot is perfectly weird and lovely, seemed like good writing and directing, even the music was nice (though tried a bit too hard sometimes).


I think maybe it was just me, haven't had the ability to sit through movies and pay attention to them much, and I struggled to/got distracted here as well.


Was the older movie better? The book?

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uncle boonmee was boring as shit to me


survive style 5+ however fucking rules in every way

i haven't seen ss5 in a long time. need to buy it somewhere. i remember seeing it recommended by speedranch on the old mu forum x_x


was hoping to see black panther today but apparently it's still too busy to get passes so i'll have to wait until next week. felt bad for my cohorts. heard lots of equipment malfunctions over the weekend. were the busiest theatre in the country by over $100k, set the all time attendance record for the theatre *and* made national news when they started 50 shades instead of black panther in one auditorium x_x https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/theater-plays-fifty-shades-instead-of-black-panther_us_5a86e871e4b05c2bcaca08a5

very glad that's all behind me

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@auxien - the older Soviet flick is one of the finest films of all time


Death of Stalin - the hype & Iannucci made me think it was out an out comedy, dont think it would've worked if it had. When its funny its beastly. Beria is the highlight, every scene, didnt think anyone could grace a screen like Malcolm Tucker, but Simon Russell Beale is on it to a different level. Solid.



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black panther 


this reminded me of the star wars prequels. botched execution of something that should have been emotionally engaging. the only character who was remotely three dimensional, and that's a stretch, was the villain. but he's given so little screen time and michael b jordan just isn't a serious actor, that it never registers beyond the thought of "oh that could have been cool". which is what i was thinking for most of the movie. the afro futurism is not really afro futurism. we hardly even see wakanda, so i don't know what all this "world building" is that people are talking about. maybe they've never read nk jemisin, or octavia butler or ken liu? well of course they haven't. but they're film critics, so they've seen blade runner. right? the whole movie was shoddy and cheap, felt rushed yet too long, the first hour is superfluous and could have easily been excised. i would have had the villain attempt to peacefully integrate into wakandan society and then be ostracized, which would lead to him becoming the hateful person he is at the beginning of the movie. there is no real arc to anything. i guess this is supposed to be the most technologically advanced society on earth but they still solve things through tribal conflict and have a monarchy? this movie basically proved to me that film isn't about filmmaking anymore, it's about satisfying the needs of special interests and the wish fulfillment of mostly white, upper middle class journalists who think participating in dialogue about popular culture is the equivalent of political activism. 

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black panther


this reminded me of the star wars prequels. botched execution of something that should have been emotionally engaging. the only character who was remotely three dimensional, and that's a stretch, was the villain. but he's given so little screen time and michael b jordan just isn't a serious actor, that it never registers beyond the thought of "oh that could have been cool". which is what i was thinking for most of the movie. the afro futurism is not really afro futurism. we hardly even see wakanda, so i don't know what all this "world building" is that people are talking about. maybe they've never read nk jemisin, or octavia butler or ken liu? well of course they haven't. but they're film critics, so they've seen blade runner. right? the whole movie was shoddy and cheap, felt rushed yet too long, the first hour is superfluous and could have easily been excised. i would have had the villain attempt to peacefully integrate into wakandan society and then be ostracized, which would lead to him becoming the hateful person he is at the beginning of the movie. there is no real arc to anything. i guess this is supposed to be the most technologically advanced society on earth but they still solve things through tribal conflict and have a monarchy? this movie basically proved to me that film isn't about filmmaking anymore, it's about satisfying the needs of special interests and the wish fulfillment of mostly white, upper middle class journalists who think participating in dialogue about popular culture is the equivalent of political activism.

but hey the prequels actually had good art direction and production design, this didn’t even have that!!

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