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wow, i really didn't like this. at all. it was a strange mix of being a mess and being a parody (commentary?) of blockbuster films but in a sloppy and almost condescending manner


firstly, i didn't like daniel and keke. for daniel, i could barely make out what he was saying as i suppose he was given a xanax and asked to not to fight his lethargy. keke palmer on the other hand is doing her best "i'm super upbeat and spunky" with 100 words a minute coming out of her mouth despite and being almost unnecessary fodder. i also didn't like the cowboy dude who was on the show with the money. he reminded me of john cho in harold & kumar. then there was that guy from fry's who next thing you know wants to help them with their project. i mean- wtf is this casting?

2nd: really didn't care for the setting. i get it's ideal for their line of work but something about it just didn't jive. 

also the music when OJ is being chased by the UFO was lol


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7 hours ago, Nebraska said:


wow, i really didn't like this. at all. it was a strange mix of being a mess and being a parody (commentary?) of blockbuster films but in a sloppy and almost condescending manner

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The overreacting was bad, and the chimp seemed like a pointless P.T. Anderson distraction. A novel take on aliens, but Peele seems like a victim of his own hype. And the fucking mumbling! 

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I really liked the first half of Nope, but when it went full but half-assed Indiana Jones during the second half it really lost me. 

Also, what was up with the original music for the film? It sounded like it was composed for a completely different film?

And another thing...


...was the UFO supposed to be the all seeing eye? Money devouring humanity? I know his symbolism is meant for people 16-year-olds, so that must be it, right?


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Jokers on Netflix. Probably watch that when I’m I think I’m in the right mood. 

On 8/24/2022 at 10:23 PM, Wunderbar said:

How do you get over schindler's List depression?

Go suck your mates dick?


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14 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

The overreacting was bad, and the chimp seemed like a pointless P.T. Anderson distraction. A novel take on aliens, but Peele seems like a victim of his own hype. And the fucking mumbling! 

one thing i'm not sure i like (because it seems paramount to script) is peele's insistence on having social commentary in almost every scene. maybe because it's too "on the nose" or maybe it's how it presents itself (OJ galloping on a horse from a UFO wearing an orange hoodie labelled CREW as his sister screams "run OJ" must be the most obvious "do you get it?" moment since aronofsky's mother). 

the film is choke full of this kind of subtext to the point where it's even questionable whether it should be a film or just an essay with peele's list of grievances. i took the monkey bit to be about stage hands/crew on television shows forced to perform inane bits over and over again to keep certain shows going. after the monkey went crazy, the show was cancelled, despite the monkey not really being the star of the show. hollywood is a machine driven by it's workers whom are mostly invisible to the outside world. 

i'd be down with that, except it's wrapped around the pointless ufo/audience thing in the desert with even more commentary peele needed to pile on top of everything. a film like the player is so much more elegant and clear in how it communicates the same message whereas this was more like SPAM; somewhere in that ruckus, if you can be bothered to look, you might find something worth staring at for a minute or two. but not much else



i took the ufo to be the audience. filmmakers are daniel, keke, asian dude etc. audience is the aliens hence they don't like to see the real evil- their own glee in watching other exploit themselves for entertainment. 

DP getting sucked into the UFO would have been a great scene in any film that didn't already throw the waste paper basket of the entire crux of the film at the screen. if that was peele's own idea then he gets an L for screwing up the timing on that.


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I think you guys are overanalyzing it. Chimp thing is just a red herring to keep you guessing about the nature of the plot while keeping the theme of trained/tamed animals (like the prank in the barn or the dude in the bike), and while there's some self indulge to be criticized I found no social commentary that was obvious when watching, so you'd have to be trying hard to find it, instead of just taking things in.

This is more Spielberg than Spike Lee. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

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2 hours ago, GORDO said:

I think you guys are overanalyzing it. Chimp thing is just a red herring to keep you guessing about the nature of the plot while keeping the theme of trained/tamed animals (like the prank in the barn or the dude in the bike), and while there's some self indulge to be criticized I found no social commentary that was obvious when watching, so you'd have to be trying hard to find it, instead of just taking things in.

This is more Spielberg than Spike Lee. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

I think the point of the chimp plotline was to have this one dumb shot from the trailer.


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10 hours ago, GORDO said:

I think you guys are overanalyzing it. Chimp thing is just a red herring to keep you guessing about the nature of the plot while keeping the theme of trained/tamed animals (like the prank in the barn or the dude in the bike), and while there's some self indulge to be criticized I found no social commentary that was obvious when watching, so you'd have to be trying hard to find it, instead of just taking things in.

This is more Spielberg than Spike Lee. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

The TMZ guy that comes outta nowhere at the end was a little heavy handed for me. Although his helmet was badass. Looked like something out of a Daft Punk video

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Pretty generic, this could have easily starred Will Smith or Kevin Hart. Like when a Hollywood script says “black comedic action star” they shop it to those 3 guys, and whichever one takes the bait for the smallest paycheck gets the role. Similar to Daybreakers, and parts of Dawn of the Dead (2004).


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Gunga Din, 1939

I never realized Din is pronounced "Dean" which I couldn't help to connect to the alliteration used by Jack Kerouac's line where he says "Dean Moriarty" a bunch of times. So Whether Kerouac knew it or not I think he had to have been influenced at least subconsciously by the alliteration of "Deen Deen Deen" in this film.

This was probably a rip rollocking good time back in the day. It was more or less a slapstick comedy. They didn't seem to understand Kali whatsoever, wrong statue, and it more or less shows where Indiana Jones 2 got it's ideas for the Thugee (as well as the origin of the word thug). I didn't get much of a sense why The Illuminatus Trilogy says the Illuminati is a big fan of the movie, didn't see very many of the call signs. It was overall an unserious movie, making light of war in an almost pre-Monty-Python way, but I'm curious to read the Kipling piece.
The climax of the film was kind of a tear jerker, and overall the idea of the Brits messing around in India caused much contemplation. Were they some kind of promethean force bringing light to a benighted superstitious enclave of human culture? Could that be the Illuminati reference?  Where did the Brits obtain the light in the first place? Much contemplate.

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did not like.


it seems to me, peele's is very interested in criticizing american society in the way american society views itself through film. all these films (get out, us, nope and this) have some criticism of american society and how it's made up, by using a parody of film to "scold" us this topic with a somewhat familiar story.

this one really goes beyond the mark with a fake pastor obviously very emblematic of EVERY black preacher from NYC - Tennessee being documented by a ABC/CBS type team for a documentary. so yes, society has accepted and allowed this kind of corruption to continue. 

jordan peele seems to think this is worthy of a convo. again. didn't spike lee already do this in a much better way? i guess we needed a shitter way. this guy really salts my meat. everything is too much. the gags here go a little too long. there is a joke, then a gag to tie in. why? i got it bro. 

at least this time you spared me the goofy UFO plot, but still somehow fucked up a black baptist story with sterling k brown. 

yeah, this is an ABSOLUTE NOPE


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I’d actually seen every Freddy movie except this one. I can’t say it was exactly worth the wait but it was equally  entertaining as it was gory, sexist, racist, stupid, poorly-acted, and cheesy. Kind of what was to be expected. 
Main takeaway: this was very likely the last film John Ritter got to see his son in before his untimely demise. 

My ranking of all Nighmare on Elm Street films (minus the remake) is as follows…

OG#1 > 3: Dream Warriors > 2: Freddy’s Revenge > New Nightmare > Freddy VS Jason > 4: Dream Master > Freddy’s Dead > 5: Dream Child

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Just watching Event Horizon again, love it. Scary and well executed. Just been reading about the potential director's cut but it seems like a fanboy dream. There's some deleted scenes on a recent blu ray which are pretty cool (with unfinished VFX). In fact I'm having flashbacks, this may have already been discussed in this mammoth thread before. 


Also, the soundtrack is really good


Soundtrack was by Orbital, damn, I never knew that. Also features Prodigy in the end credits. 

Event Horizon Ost https://amzn.eu/d/7mYDz1O




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