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Bird Box was fucking awful


I had high hopes going into it with the cast listing... But fuuuuuuck...

The first thing I asked my wife when I hit play was

are blind people effected?



Trainspotting 2... I don't think I would have liked it if TS1 wasn't ingrained in my past the way it is.

It was a movie made for the few people that latched on to the original and wanted more... I doubt there's many people who saw the 2nd one and thought seeing the first one would be a good idea unless they'd already seen it.

Edited by Hk47
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Trainspotting 2


Enjoyed it, bit long but quite good. 



nowt personal but everyone involved in this whoring exercise of maximum cultural wankery should be taken out into a forest in the middle of the night & shot in the back of their heads, NKVD styles, then set on fire, then the remains dumped outside Danny Boyle's gaff, then Danny Boyle's gaff is forced ablaze, then all the sets from the intro/finale sequences of DB's Olympics 2012 bs get thrown onto the growing inferno...... cos........ then after it's all burned out some stray dog hitches a hind leg & sizzle pisses on the fading embers

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Blackmirror: Bandersnatch


It's an interactive film where you can choose different story paths. Pretty well done and can get very trippy. Sometimes the story loops as you move through time back and forth but with small changes. It's not like a tree structure that leads to a certain ending, it seems to have marginal conditions. Will definitely watch again and see how it ends this time.

Edited by darreichungsform
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Blackmirror: Bandersnatch


It's an interactive film where you can choose different story paths. Pretty well done and can get very trippy. Sometimes the story loops as you move through time back and forth but with small changes. It's not like a tree structure that leads to a certain ending, it seems to have marginal conditions. Will definitely watch again and see how it ends this time.

It doesn't even work on Apple TV or Chromecast.

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Bird Box - Pretty dull and the ending was so sickly sweet I thought it was going to be a dream sequence. Terrible.


Also kinda half watched the Harry Potter movies over the Xmas period and boy they do not hold up at all, I remembered them being more passable.

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The sound effects in the later films are pretty fucking cool. I don't know which one it is but one of them starts out in a cafe in a subway and all the spells sound like tiny but punchy explosions.

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Bird Box was some sub-90’s Outer Limits episode trash. But 2 fucking hours long.


Scariest parts were the slow zoom on Bullock’s botoxed Michael Jackson face.

How is the nine inch nails soundtrack?

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