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Autechre. NTS Residency. (_O_)


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I'm hoping for a 2 hours oversteps style set !


I came just imagining that (to both)

i hate when my wife comes home while i’m standing nude in my living room listening to max by autechre. she understand.

Edited by auxien
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I don't feel ready for NTS2, I want a couple more days of an NTS1 world. R.I.P. Fleurest world problems.


Still, look forward to getting up tomorrow and munching some NTS2 for breakfast. Something crunchy, buttery, caffeinated. Black and hot as the bine of Calbruc. Some hijklmnop in the song titles.


It would be insane if the NTS releases just kept building to greater heights, as if this was the runt of the litter. We hope to be unworthy.

Edited by Roo
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somebody from earlier pages implanted the idea that it might be noodlings around the same tracks, not completely new material, and that upset me bcoz im rly impressionable


nah, that's absurd imo. why would they hold back tracklists for the other volumes then and release only the current one. if this'd turn out to be true it'd be legendary trolling really.


hmm good point about the tracklists. feel a bit better now

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I want the most complex and mind blowing 2 hours of my pitiful life, culminating in a sonic barrage so savage that it transcends the 128kbps stereo stream and becomes all encompassing / engrossing / challenging / stimulating at once.


I want to feel used, exhausted, petrified, penetrated and enlightened.


I am raedy.

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oh yeah, the meandering thing. well fact is autechere always was about meandering, as in: meditating on a theme / mood and exploring different angles of it. most tracks they ever done consist of "only" 2 or 3 distinctive parts plus transitions, not like they used to compose operas or something (closest would be untilted, i guess). atm they just allow themselves to do it longer and more extensively, obviously enjoying less restraint from (physical) media.


can't even fathom the complexity of their current setup (or any other for that matter), so dunno. but yeah with max basically being a turing complete programming language the possibilites might indeed be pretty much limitless.


well apart from the equipment exhaustion thing i do think there was quite some "formwille" involved on sidesteps like oversteps (no pun intended, actually). at that point in time that was probably the ballsiest thing they could've done. that was one adventurous album. i also hardly listen to it nowadays, lol, kinda case in point. (it's a cool and accomplished album no doubt, i just hardly find myself in the mood for it).


fluency... hm ya, session 1 sounds quite "effortless", in a good way.



Hi Jader, just to nitpick a bit, I want to push back on the composition vs meditation on a theme thingy. Looking at their past interviews, I would argue that the boyz are in total control. In the prehistoric Confield era they mentioned that all sounds were intentional ie composed.  Not sure if these days their approach is very much different and they have fully unleashed their Maxes to perform generative magic totally on their own. I think that what we are hearing is composed!




well if you take the meditation thing and interpret it as impro / slider fumblin as opposed to mousin it i think the lines can be blurry. like, i think sometimes they define the macro-structure / overall dramaturgy but certain elements / singular events within are derived from improvisation, l3 would be a recent example which i believe belongs to this category. or think of quaristice, that was basically its concept, edited jams.


but that's not even what i meant. compare their music to typical western classical tradition or popular song structures. they do dabble in these concepts sometimes like in irlite or ipacial section, but usually their tracks have more of a monolithic quality, like setting up a scene but instead of immediately (or after a fixed set of repetitions) going to the next in a straight narrative way they circle around, light it from different directions etc. for extended periods of time ... few elements might be popping in and out but usually there's only one or two "drastic" breaks, if any. thousand examples follow this formula: xylin room, 11 is, 444, vose in, you name it.


dunno how to explain it better, really. can't focus, NTS 2 so close D: ... gnah.

Edited by jaderpansen
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What are the odds that one installment will be a single two hour track? Would that be cool/not cool? Would it “noodle about” or just be a max/msp colored wank? Would it be maximaly transportive or super psychedelic?


It’s so Thursday. Less than 1.5 hours to go. So ‘cited, ready to FEEL!

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My body's saying let's go. 

But my heart is saying no.


If you wanna be with me, baby, there's a price you pay. I'm a genie in a bottle,



you gotta rub me the right way.

What are the odds that one installment will be a single two hour track? Would that be cool/not cool? Would it “noodle about” or just be a max/msp colored wank? Would it be maximaly transportive or super psychedelic?

It’s so Thursday. Less than 1.5 hours to go. So ‘cited, ready to FEEL!


One track split over 6 sides of vinyl would suck

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It would be insane if the NTS releases just kept building to greater heights

That would be an amazing accomplishment, especially if they're doing these sections are done in an ad hoc manner.


Roll on 5pm

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One track split over 6 sides of vinyl would suck


This is true you're correct, so the odds are not good. Gonk Steady at 22+ minutes is a maybe bit long for a quality side of vinyl though...but thats different than splitting tracks up.

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whats the story with nts?

quite a rare thing for s&r to have a third party in the title for what is shaping up to be a major release of theirs, no?


I'm inclined to believe that some degree of bankrolling is involved here. It's such an extravagant physical release, even for Autechre. Sets are clearly being produced to order, but there's no reason this material couldn't have been pumped out as a straightforward Warp release... perhaps NTS has some sort of stake in it?

Those are all actually good points/questions. My first question to figure this out is: how the hell does NTS make money? The website has no ads. The shows that I've listened to (regularly catch Lukid and some random others) have no ads. NTS isn't a label, right? They put on events too, so there's some revenue, but is that their only source of revenue? 

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