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RIP Salvatorin

hello spiral

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Still down about this. I hardly interacted with him, because I'm practically this guy Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.0.png, but I always greatly enjoyed reading his posts, and his personality that shone through. There's some kind of comfort in having a guy like that around. So, even if we never *really* interacted, he still made an impact. Its a huge loss for watmm, chatmm and the world at large, this kid should've gone places. Thanks for sharing some of your time, jokes, thoughts and insights with us Phil. Will be having a drinking something nice and listening to his tunes session this weekend. ?

Edited by Silent Member
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i only knew salv for a couple years, only talked to him a bit on discord, about alaska and north australia and weird .PDFs.. he was the very first person i *noticed* on watmm, mainly cos of his marilyn whirlwind avatar he used to have... i love northern exposure, that was my #1 fave tv show as a kid.. never seen anyone online reference it until that avatar.. i was like, i like this guy, i should join watmm..

anyway he seemed like a bit of a legend and a very real dude.. great muso too! place won't be the same without you man.. feel a bit dumb posting anything since i hardly knew him but, i keep thinking about him the last couple days.. so so sorry, to all you people who were his friends for so long. x


Edited by eryngi
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Substance abuse/depression is a very relevant theme nowadays, it's important to remember and reach out like @markedone said. There's always a way, even if we have to summon the old ones for help. I like to think WATMM made his life a little easier, I'm sure in one way or another we helped :smile:

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Glad to see some other ex-lurkers/people who didn't personally interact with him post all the things I was wanting to say but didn't know if I should jump in. I only joined properly last fall but had been around for years and he was one of the most notable characters around here. Others have said it better... I would have loved to "meet" him too. So many incredible contributions and such a sad, sad loss. RIP 

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Ironic that he and I never interacted outside of WATMM despite being from the same state. But that bus tour sounds very much like any (honest) job orientation you'd find here. Alaskans are known for lack of sugar-coating.

Also that bit about fruitless attempts at imparting wisdom can be applied to humanity as a whole I think.

Seems I'm the sole living Alaskan now on WATMM. But I just can't live up to Salv's caliber when it comes to interesting stories, despite having studied abroad in uni/college. All I can do really these days is steal stupid memes all over the web for burgers.

Damn. Don't cry because he's gone, but be happy that he was here, right.

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He seemed like a unique and genuine guy. Feel really bad for giving him some stick one time. Didn’t know he was a troubled soul.

Safe travels bud. Hope to make it up to you next time round x

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I never got to know Salv too well and yet I probably have a thousand little memories of little Salv moments. Who else could make a lasting impression the way he did, so often?  

this sucks ?



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On 2/2/2021 at 11:36 PM, usagi said:

I fear you'll never be able to convince a faceless, changing collective of anonymous internet people of this for too long before shitty dynamics resurface.

I do think that this community is pretty good for the most part, not too many edge lords, only a few over-the-hill curmudgeonly old farts (like me), and people are usually pretty cool to one another.

On 2/2/2021 at 11:36 PM, usagi said:

someone who embodied that more human aspect of connecting from a distance. personally I think that's what stood out about Salv.

We can all try and do that more....maybe it's time to resurrect the collage of members' photos (not those kinds of members). someone must have it.

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2 hours ago, chenGOD said:

maybe it's time to resurrect the collage of members' photos (not those kinds of members). someone must have it.

I still have the one from like 2004 on an old DVD-R somewhere. I was thinking of posting it at some point, but there's hardly anyone left from that period that still regularly posts on here. or people changed their usernames and I lost track of who's who. 

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2 hours ago, zero said:

I still have the one from like 2004 on an old DVD-R somewhere. I was thinking of posting it at some point, but there's hardly anyone left from that period that still regularly posts on here. or people changed their usernames and I lost track of who's who. 

I think Salv was on it...that's what made me think of it.

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this has really hit me in a way i never would have predicted. i've been on this forum since like 2004 (?) and i guess i never really properly understood the bonds you have to people on here. i still don't understand them! almost every single person i've interacted with here has been on the forum alone. i've met a few people, made irl friends with a few people (encey got ordained and officiated my wedding lol. but i'm divorced now so maybe he did it wrong) and have some peeps i know i could hang with if the moment arose - i could definitely get a boa and go dancing with my man d-lo, i know usagi could help me meet my maker taking me on an australian motorcycle ride, we all know how fun it would be to play sh101 and eat burgers with BCM - but mostly this is just a place for posting, committing lols to paper, listening to whatever badass live autechre thing is going down, just having a place to go to put an "lmao" out into the world. but the thing is i've been here for over 15 years so there's this weird consistency to some of the people here, i "know" some of you on here for longer than i've known most of my current active friends (sure, i have like 4 friends but whatever man). many people have left over the years ofc, there was the great exodus to beak, there have been political prisoners like robbie and eugene, and a lot of those people vanish from your life usually in such cases. but you know there out there, somewhere robbie is out there wondering wtf happened to those towers; somewhere Lane C is out there weighing 101lbs. but to loose some one like salv *for real* -  even though i was not close to him...it's just so different. salv was always present here, even after migrating to the other place where i only occasionally lurk (sorry papa). he was one of the few people who had a really *alive* presence online, like you knew him beyond the texts on the screen bc he somehow carried over into the real world by sheer force of character or charisma. it helps that he shared so much, was always interacting and posting amazing pictures of himself wearing sandals with shorts and an XL tshirt and some kind of navaho print hoodie or something. and i have so many memories of these images over the years, this crazy persona floating obscurely but distinctly in the background throughout many eras of my life. and somehow that feels real beyond just "online" and it really sucks that we lost him. 

that's all i guess

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5 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

i know usagi could help me meet my maker taking me on an australian motorcycle ride

lol, at least we'd walk into the big light together.

I remembered that this was out there:


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I don't have much to say that hasn't already been articulated by many other watmmers. I missed the news earlier this week. Not that long ago I approved a follow back from IG, god knows how long I sat on that. I read this entire thread in one go an hour or so ago, something that help quell the shock and sadness that hit me.

Salvatorin was, is, and will always be one of the most enigmatic individuals I've come across. Not in any negative or dark sense nor frustration but quite the opposite, I wondered often what on earth goes through his brain and creative thinking. Considering the breadth of personalities on watmm, that's saying a lot. Something I can say is part confession. Years ago after listening to a track of his - which is still one of smoothest eccojams I've ever behold - I completely fell into a wormhole of his youtube videos, tumblr gifs, other music, and other media he'd created and shared. I have explored other watmmer's music and social media but never in such a binge read. Those videos and songs and animations are still there. I hope the remain but I must confess a sudden urge to archive it.

It's hard to succinctly describe his aesthetic and style but it was undeniably and overtly unique. He might very well be the most hip person I've encountered who had not one ounce of contrivable intent in his online persona. Something that nags me about death is the inevitable and perpetual moments you are reminded someone isn't there to talk to or engage with, especially little things that especially make up the interactions on a forum like watmm. That's what's going to hurt. That's why even those who knew of him or enjoyed his word and content from a more casual sense, myself included, are so struck by his passing. Thanks for what you did give while you were here Salvatorin. It was so much for so many. May your spirit in every sense, literal and figurative, live on. 


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8 minutes ago, yekker said:

Alaska looks like a beautiful place. Like Vancouver Island but more so. 

 Yeah, my grandpa’s decision in his later years to visit there every summer really seems to make more sense these days. Tragic to hear of a guy that young exiting this life so early. RIP.

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Like some others have mentioned, this hit me harder than I was expecting. I cried a lot the day I found out. I knew Salv for less time than many of you, and I was never able to meet him in person. But we had some good conversations here and via Discord, particularly in the last year or so,  and I felt he was a kindred spirit.

He was my favorite spirit on the forum. He was creative, hilarious, and fiercely intelligent. And in my awkward newbie phase here he was one of the most welcoming. It's really starting to sink in how ultra-talented he was; how much of a shining star he was. I wish I could tell him how much I loved his music.  But, I'm thankful for the interactions I did have with him. There's more I want to express but I can't find the words.

Rest in peace my friend.

Edited by eczem
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