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i thought it looked kinda funny and i love amy schumer so i might still see it. it might have been one of those films where they give away all the funny bits in the trailer.


i also loved the idea of lebron being bill hader's best friend and have there be absolutely no exposition as to why this is the case - kind of making a slight jab at ridiculous shoehorning of celebs.


but then someone told me bill hader is a sports doctor and i was like *weak*

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a movie length version of an amy schumer skit with many "celebrity" guest appearances to eat up the bigger budget even though they're completely unnecessary

the amount of dead-eyed non-actor lebron james in the trailer alone made me want to stay far far away. i actually have grown to like bill hader and amy schumer but the marketing for the movie is killing the appeal completely for me. Its like coked out studio exec watched 'Other Guys' and was like 'yo that derek jeter scene really made that movie fuckin pop bro, we need to put lebron in a leading comedy role, lets find a movie currently in production that we can steamroll over'

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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yeah, the lebron cameo is really one of the most "eye rolling" parts of this film mainly because it panders to the ol' cliche of comedies to pair a nerdy insecure white guy with a cool "isn't that cute that they're friends" black guy who guides and looks out for him.


also, this movie isn't funny because the jokes are funny. it's funny because of the delivery- the jokes were pretty elementary and most of the beginning they're predictable, but it's the person chosen to deliver them that kinda makes the joke work.


there is though a running gag about a film within the film that features two actors that has a joke that i felt didn't work at all, even though schumer had used the same joke in a sketch that did work. how did that happen?

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Mad Max: fury road


Enjoyable visuals but the movie eventually falls completely apart, thanks to a terrible excuse for a plot and Tom Hardy's general spiritual absence.




I can't for the life of me figure out how I could've liked this in the cinema, fucking stupid as fuck on every level

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Bad Timing is dark as fuck. The way it fucks with time & Garfunkel does bathing in rape uncannily well. The documentary shows Roeg had a similar understanding of coincidence to William Burroughs, plus his cv is unfuckinreal:


Lawrence of Arabia, Dr Zhivago, Fahrenheit 451, Performance, Walkabout, Don't Look Now, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Eureka, Insignificance

(& the Witches is a blast too)


edit - if you like Performance have a look for Donald Cammell's "White of the Eye"



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wow, this was bad. i didn't watch terminator salvation's or the tv show so i came into this from t2 (which is a hard act to follow) and this failed miserably. firstly, it tried to explain a lot of the back story from the first and the second film and use it to illustrate how this storyline came into place, but i found it forced and confusing. but what was most annoying was how it spent a lot of time explaining that (almost like it was trying to erase the events of the first 2 films so it could start the terminator series anew from this film forward)


guess they took that "reset the future" logline literally

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Sorcerer - Fucking badass, all the CGI in the world is nothing next to a jeep travelling across a rickety bridge in the belting rain.

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merchants of doubt - picked it up because sociology of knowledge is a topic im very interested in, and it's an interesting enough docu about the workings of PR and knowledge/truth/consensus shaping. but it goes into the boring and manipulative steppes of the global warming awareness/anti corporate advocacy films that you've 20 times already, and ironically enough, coming close to using the same tactics that the movie "bad guys" are using in the docu. though i guess when you have the ignorant hordes of republicans and libertarians you kinda have to play dirty and scare and manipulate them. but on the other hand it kinda makes it a bit muddled, hmm.

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Sorcerer is wicked.

The Homesman - 8/10 - Brilliant. Tommy Lee in the building.


Mr Turner(2nd viewing) -9.3/10 - Amazing. Film's visually lush, the recreation of the royal academy was utterly stunning on the big screen. No expense spared recreating these paintings. How good must it be to be a director and direct Tim Spall? He's a genius in this as are all the supporting cast, a lot of Leigh regulars. Storywise it meanders a bit but Turner keeps it together


Funniest scene: When the pompous 1830's art critic John Ruskin is praising Turner for his fine work and Turner is grunting in disagreement

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The wages of fear is also amazing you guys, no idm soundtrack though.

Edited by Gocab
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The wages of fear is also amazing you guys, no idm soundtrack though.


1 of my old man's favourite filems


plus Yves Montand (sp?) is ex-police marksman Jansen in Le Cercle Rouge, 1 of the greatest crime films of all time:



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r100 - total japanese insanity, starts out slow and even art-housy to some degree and gradually shifts into arcade-video-game wackiness, 4th wall breaking and just plain weirdness, absurd and hilarity. enjoyed it!

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The wages of fear is also amazing you guys, no idm soundtrack though.


1 of my old man's favourite filems


plus Yves Montand (sp?) is ex-police marksman Jansen in Le Cercle Rouge, 1 of the greatest crime films of all time


Yeah, old friend of my deceased father once compared me to Yves Montand's character in The Wages of Fear. I was kinda proud, thought i'm not that ugly son of a bitch after all to even think about such comparison.

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Ugly? No way.


Me, if i wasn't clear, not Montand. Though it was more about intensity, not looks. I saw that movie as a child or maybe teenager, yet i recalled shit was intense, so i took it as a compliment.

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