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Hm, I don't know what to think... I mean, I like the new season - but it is so slow and so ful of loose threads and I can't shake the feeling that we will just be left like the end of season 2 again... It all seems like a big lynchian trolling.

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I think last night's episode is my favourite so far, or at least tied with #8.



twin peaks used to (maybe weirdly) feel warm and comforting to me. this season feels cold and sterile and i don't really care about any of it.


I agree to some extent. Still enjoying this new season, but the original had the perfect vibe. Sounds silly, but I think a lot of it is down to the fact that it's shot digitally instead of on 35mm.

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Yeah, I really expected a David Lynch directed series about the aftermath of a father raping and murdering his daughter and niece to be "comfy." He really let us down with this one.


I just wish the studio had been involved to dumb down the "experiment" holocaust scenes of episode 8. 


Maybe added some explanatory voice over for me or shot some extra scenes with James Hurley singing.  I would have felt more satisfied then.

Edited by fletcher
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the "comfiness", for want of a better word, of the original series was what was so great about it - the weird juxtaposition etc. this one definitely lacks some feels for me...sorry, just like, my opinion man. i'm still watching it and enjoying for the most part.

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Yeah, I really expected a David Lynch directed series about the aftermath of a father raping and murdering his daughter and niece to be "comfy." He really let us down with this one.


I just wish the studio had been involved to dumb down the "experiment" holocaust scenes of episode 8. 


Maybe added some explanatory voice over for me or shot some extra scenes with James Hurley singing.  I would have felt more satisfied then.




whaaaaat? ep08, minus NIN, was Lynchian perfection


last night's episode almost reached such dizzy heights, the forest vortex, Andy's transportation (the Fool getting dosed good & proper), then Grace Zabriskie's bar scene was the cherry in the cherry pie


it still has the comfy vibe when it requires it just not as saccharine-infused as the previous series & tbh the extra heft and surreal imagery add to its majesty and yeah troll away over that.......


some of you are clearly unsatisfied for reasons that might fall under the umbrella of as yet undiagnosed Lynch-Deficit-Disorders, its as if someone has shown you this incredible gift and some folks just wanna prod it with a stick drooling "me no like abstract, non-linear story-telling"


if this is the case, politely and with respect, get help

Edited by cwmbrancity
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you sound very patronising...like you're saying i "don't understand" it or something. i absolutely do, i absolutely enjoy many abstract things - art, music etc. just not really feeling this series that much. not enjoying it like i enjoyed series 1 and 2. that's pretty much it mate.

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i don't have a single no. 1 in anything i like, more like a tier shared between several things

twin peaks the return definitely belongs in my top tier of tv, just as good as the original seasons to me + shows like deadwood, mad men, the wire, sopranos, the twilight zone etc.

anyway, gonna be incredibly sad when it ends

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RE: sexism--Lynch has been on that tip for ages. However, he always manages to bring a balance that is in many cases the opposite of what an accusation of sexism entails. Bobby Peru terrorizes Lula but then blows his own head off. Frank Booth also takes one to the head. Last night's episode again shows a "male chauvinist pig" getting his comeuppance.


The thresholds for epithets like racist, sexist, misogynist, etc are very granular these days so it's hard to know how to address "blatant sexism". If anything, season 2 was the biggest offender with the "girls of Twin Peaks" doing that talent show. I found that pretty satirical though and not at all an instrument of the PatriarchyTM


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The new series is fantastic imo, but I understand some people being disappointed by it. It's a huge treat for fans of Lynch's other work, since this is basically a massive Lynch film in all its confounding surrealist glory, but set in the twin peaks universe. Of course the quaint small-town soap opera aspect is mostly gone now (though we get bits of it, like Nadine and Jacoby, all the diner scenes, any scene with Lucy).


My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.

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My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.

definitely this

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My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.

definitely this




I like the show a lot though. I don't get half of it (this season), but that's what makes it fascinating. 


I could do without the lifeless humdrum indie-bands at the end of the first 8 or so episodes though.

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My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.

definitely this




I like the show a lot though. I don't get half of it (this season), but that's what makes it fascinating. 


I could do without the lifeless humdrum indie-bands at the end of the first 8 or so episodes though.


Yeah, we need more James.

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I'm loving the new season, completely cementing that this my fave tv show of all time. If you want that classic Twin Peaks nostalgia please go and watch the original 2 seasons. I'm just happy Lynch can continue to push forward with new ideas, and leave me completely dumbfounded as to what to expect. I understand it's not for everyone, but for those who it resonates with better, it's an absolute treasure!

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I was taking a break from this show for the past few weeks because I was getting frustrated with it. Tonight, we tried catching up on the few that we missed and I think I'm finally done with this show.


I'm sorry. It's a bad show.


Nothing adds up. None of these characters make sense. There's no story to speak of. The acting/direction/editing is bad. It's blatantly sexist. The special effects are cheesy as fuuuk. The dialogue in every scene sounds like it was written by a twelve year old.


The original series was great. This one isn't. I'm tired of feeling like I need to keep tuning in with the hopes that something cool might actually happen with the story or that we will get the old Cooper back. I'm just done.


David Lynch can go eat a bag of dicks.


Story's much bigger than Cooper now.  And his Return doesn't solely depend on him anymore.




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The new series is fantastic imo, but I understand some people being disappointed by it. It's a huge treat for fans of Lynch's other work, since this is basically a massive Lynch film in all its confounding surrealist glory, but set in the twin peaks universe. Of course the quaint small-town soap opera aspect is mostly gone now (though we get bits of it, like Nadine and Jacoby, all the diner scenes, any scene with Lucy).


My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.


Yes.  The Roadhouse credits bugged me at first, but for the past few episodes (Big Ed credits included), they've honestly been a relief.  



My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.

definitely this




I like the show a lot though. I don't get half of it (this season), but that's what makes it fascinating. 


I could do without the lifeless humdrum indie-bands at the end of the first 8 or so episodes though.



This week's track is as good as Chromatics' Shadow.

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My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.


Apart from music, the actors were given warm, lively and more dialogue. The characters were more human. What is interesting in ep3 is when one of the characters makes a remark others are silent and contemplating. There seem to be a certain measure of patience involved. Like when Cole is speaking about his dreams with Belucci, and Albert just says 'I'm beginning to remember'. In this particular scene I expected more FBI work, sharing thoughts, making conclusions- but everything remains in their heads.

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I was taking a break from this show for the past few weeks because I was getting frustrated with it. Tonight, we tried catching up on the few that we missed and I think I'm finally done with this show.


I'm sorry. It's a bad show.


Nothing adds up. None of these characters make sense. There's no story to speak of. The acting/direction/editing is bad. It's blatantly sexist. The special effects are cheesy as fuuuk. The dialogue in every scene sounds like it was written by a twelve year old.


The original series was great. This one isn't. I'm tired of feeling like I need to keep tuning in with the hopes that something cool might actually happen with the story or that we will get the old Cooper back. I'm just done.


David Lynch can go eat a bag of dicks.

Story's much bigger than Cooper now. And his Return doesn't solely depend on him anymore.





I understand that. I still don't think it's a good show.

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