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Coronavirus COVID-19


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9 minutes ago, usagi said:

hey I'm d-lo and this is no longer bein able to get yer dick sunked after getting your shots

gonna have to change his name to coronavax point never, next album will be constructed entirely out of modified infowars samples + midi saxophone

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1 hour ago, auxien said:

both my Pfizer shots took a day or two before i started feeling a little icky, not sure if that carries over for the J & J

w00t! two weeks and then it's party time. did you get any under-the-weather feelings from yours? both of mine have had a few days of sore throat/tiredness

Nothing after the first shot. And nothing so far after the second...but I only just got it a couple hours ago. My wife and mother-in-law both had zero symptoms though...so fingers crossed.

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I tried to come up with a Microsoft joke but none were worth it. I hope your penis will get well soon.

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The company I just joined mostly employs people in India and one of my coworkers died of COVID-19 this morning. Kind of surreal. I get the feeling I'm going to start seeing more messages like that pretty soon.

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This shit with Cucker Tarlson telling his viewers to "politely but firmly" "ask" people wearing masks to take them off because it is making them uncomfortable seriously has me worried. These fucking 'necks around where I live will act on his suggestions. 

Such a stupid thing to incite zombie illiterate morons to do: pick fights over something that has nothing to do with you personally. This is going to play out terribly. 

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14 minutes ago, apriorion said:

This shit with Cucker Tarlson telling his viewers to "politely but firmly" "ask" people wearing masks to take them off because it is making them uncomfortable seriously has me worried. These fucking 'necks around where I live will act on his suggestions. 

Such a stupid thing to incite zombie illiterate morons to do: pick fights over something that has nothing to do with you personally. This is going to play out terribly. 

what are you talking about? link?

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12 minutes ago, apriorion said:

This shit with Cucker Tarlson telling his viewers to "politely but firmly" "ask" people wearing masks to take them off because it is making them uncomfortable seriously has me worried. These fucking 'necks around where I live will act on his suggestions. 

Such a stupid thing to incite zombie illiterate morons to do: pick fights over something that has nothing to do with you personally. This is going to play out terribly. 

shit like this gets people hurt. fights start. confrontations etc. like trump saying something and someone picking it up on it like a dog whistle. 

as things like this carry on w/the potential for escalating it only takes a few violent idiots to get carried away and shoot someone. deranged types don't need much encouragement. if things spiral out of control i wouldn't be surprised if someone takes a swipe (or worse) at a celebrity talking head or elected official. somoeone throws a flaming bag of doogshit at tucker carlson won't be surprising.

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1 hour ago, Nebraska said:

lol @ savings bonds. they need to start giving out dogecoin or ETH if they're serious

We're talking about West Virginia here, savings bonds are right up their alley. Nobody there will even know what cryptocurrency is.

BTW, took about 12 hrs for side effects to kick in from the JnJ shot.  Side effects were worst 24 - 36 hours after the shot.  Muscle soreness, fatigue, headache, slight chills. Felt like I had the flu without the nausea. Beginning to feel somewhat normal again at the 36 hour mark.

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2 hours ago, apriorion said:

This shit with Cucker Tarlson telling his viewers to "politely but firmly" "ask" people wearing masks to take them off because it is making them uncomfortable seriously has me worried. These fucking 'necks around where I live will act on his suggestions. 

Such a stupid thing to incite zombie illiterate morons to do: pick fights over something that has nothing to do with you personally. This is going to play out terribly. 

Tucker Carlson praises Spanish Flu anti-mask rebellion | Media Matters for  America

The Good Liars on Twitter: "Tucker Carlson loves his MyPillow Case Mask.  #MikeLindell… "


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2 hours ago, randomsummer said:

We're talking about West Virginia here, savings bonds are right up their alley. Nobody there will even know what cryptocurrency is.

BTW, took about 12 hrs for side effects to kick in from the JnJ shot.  Side effects were worst 24 - 36 hours after the shot.  Muscle soreness, fatigue, headache, slight chills. Felt like I had the flu without the nausea. Beginning to feel somewhat normal again at the 36 hour mark.

That was the same way my body reacted to the JnJ shot. Not awful, but definitely enough to keep me down for a day. 

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On 4/8/2021 at 2:20 PM, rhmilo said:

While that is good to hear, the Chili report I alluded to above talks about mobile morgue units that are needed because the regular hospital morgues are overflowing. So severe cases after vaccination are still possible, it seems.

well, just yesterday our first resident died from "with" covid being vaccinated, so that's that i guess. mutation still unclear. one nurse and another granny from the same station infected so far, let's see how things turn out fot them. no symptoms on those yet.


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this push for vaccination will drive up the number of mutations this virus undergoes.  expect an arms race that we will continually lose.  this thing started off with a relatively low morbidity and mortality rate, but all this pharmaceutical approach will serve to do is to create more virulent strains that you’ll have to constantly develop “boosters” for, much akin to the way we had been approaching the flu every season. therapeutics and natural immune boosting practices have all been forsaken in favor of big pharma, which comes as no surprise to me since our media organizations are largely funded by the medical industrial complex.  I don’t expect their model of fear driven profits to go away any time soon, and it will come at the expense of our health and freedoms.  Hell, I might be willing to cut medical tyranny some slack if the decisions made were correct, but in this case I do not believe that to be so.  And in case my statements have your confirmation bias firing loudly in your skull, consider this: it’s long been understood that private sector science is usually skewed in favor of the principle investigators interests, and closer analysis of much of the vaccine data coming from these clinical trials would confirm this.  the premise this was all built upon, asymptomatic spread, was extrapolated from chinese data sets early in the pandemic that were later refuted (majority of virus spreads at symptom onset).  Also, the ONLY scenario where masks and social distancing are effective is one where everybody, and I mean 100% of homo sapiens on earth, do this for two weeks straight.  that didn’t happen, and the longer we perpetuate this madness the more GARBAGE we are creating for our oceans and landfills, not to mention stress and other potentially new disease vectors we are creating for people.  want my unsolicited advice? do what every good doctor will tell you to do: eat right, exercise, and if you do become symptomatic take ivermectin as directed. If these “vaccines” do decrease severity of symptoms then great, let people who are immunocompromised or have decreased pulmonary function take it, but this is not the way to achieve herd immunity (the pharmaceutical companies claims as to how their products aim to achieve this is dubious at best, and dangerous at worst for aforementioned reasons).

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hmmm, that may be so, I guess I should put it forward that I am not a medical doctor and as such am only going on what I see as the best available information coming from medical professionals (many of whom have been using the drug as both prophylaxis and early treatment at onset of symptoms).  It may be that the drug is only acting as placebo in those instances ?‍♂️

or, what I would theorize as more likely, when taken it frees up your immune system to fight off other infections


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