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Did this ever come up here? There was a story revolving around this:



Basically, his account has been taken down now, but a guy discovered something hidden in this part of the track that no one knew about except Goodall for 20 years, who confirmed it via twitter. The guy put up a bass version to make it more clear, once you hear it you can't unhear it. Can anyone notice what is it is?


vocoded red dwarf! ha, never noticed that.


that theme tune is a big nod to joe meek, very similar to bits from telstar and red rocket.

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Watched Catch Me If You Can for the first time since it was pretty much new. Very good, but not as good as I thought it was when I was 17. Christopher Walken has a great, maybe underrated role in it. Hanks and Di Caprio are both damn solid. "Want to hear a joke from me?" "Yeah" "Knock knock..." "Who's there?" "Go fawk yourself!"

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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - This was a mess, poorly scripted, badly edited, characters disappeared for long stretches.  I'm assuming it had so little Eva Green and Chris O'Dowd bc they were filming other projects, like Penny Dreadful.  The costumes were the best thing I can think of about this film, the whole time loop thing was needlessly confusing as well.

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Rogue One


5/10. Very cookie cutter, box ticky film. Bland, unmemorable characters, actions scenes weren't up to much. No doubt the hard core star wars fans will jizz over all the iconography but treat it as a film on its own and it's a pretty standard action movie. Ben Mendelsohn was great though.

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david brent: life on the road - simply unwatchable, i lasted only 10 minutes. it's just really sad and depressing to see someone drop from genius to utter wack.

what are you talking about? the original Office is the only thing he's ever made ever, I don't know about any other things

He's kind of annoying yeah but he also brought us good stuff like Extras and Karl Pilkington.



Yeah I was obviously half-joking there. He's cool, I like all of his stand-ups and the Karl Pilkington interviews but most of the movies and series he's been in recent years are questionable.

In any case, The Office is the best comedy to ever exist and I won't accept the existence of any other Offices that aren't that one.



Definitely, re-watched a lot of it the other day for the first time in a few years. My brother said the sales office he works in always quotes phrases. A guy hit targets or something and came in the office and did this dance absolutely perfectly apparently. I was crying with laughter at just the thought of this happening in a packed office.



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As an old trilogy and EU fan, Rogue One was a massive treat. I walked in with a generous amount of skepticism, but somewhere it broke my shell and I walked out completely euphoric. 100 times better than Force Awakens. All the details of the world and twists and turns of the story felt so accomplished and ballsy. So many scenes that I'd dreamed to see on the big screen for a long time.

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The Danish Girl


Unwatchable cheesy cringe-fest. I've never seen a film trying so hard, even a toddler could see through all the melodramatic bullshit.

I was hoping to see something that actually covers the topic with at least some sense of realism but it just becomes a parody of itself the more it goes on.


Don't watch if you're not a 9 year old girl

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The Danish Girl


Unwatchable cheesy cringe-fest. I've never seen a film trying so hard, even a toddler could see through all the melodramatic bullshit.

I was hoping to see something that actually covers the topic with at least some sense of realism but it just becomes a parody of itself the more it goes on.


Don't watch if you're not a 9 year old girl

Have you seen Tangerine? Kind the same topic, really good film

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The Danish Girl


Unwatchable cheesy cringe-fest. I've never seen a film trying so hard, even a toddler could see through all the melodramatic bullshit.

I was hoping to see something that actually covers the topic with at least some sense of realism but it just becomes a parody of itself the more it goes on.


Don't watch if you're not a 9 year old girl

Have you seen Tangerine? Kind the same topic, really good film



Nah. It looks like something I would avoid at first glance but it seems pretty funny so I'll check it out, why not.

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Deepwater Horizon - it's amazing anyone escaped from this alive, great SFX with a somewhat hokey ending (weak female needs to be saved by macho Marky Mark).  BP Oil made out to be the villains they pretty much were.  It was cool to see Kurt Russell and Kate Hudson in the same movie.

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Beyond the Gates - Lopatin inspired synth drones crossed with The Monster Squad - Nostalgiatastic/10


The Twilight Zone - Wanted to see Lithgow lose it on an airplane, the Gremlin attacking the airplane wing has to be one of the best moments from the Twilight Zone. The Dan Ackroyd parts are weak though, didn't set the weirdness level high enough. Spielberg/Miller/Landis/Matheson/80s/10

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Alien 3, Special Assembly Cut.


I know how much hate this movie gets and yes, it is a right mess, but the SAC is the closest it'll ever get to being good. the people behind it have put a lot of work into salvaging it and making it more presentable, tweaking key aspects of the vanilla version, and while the whole affair still rubs up wrong against the shining legacy of Alien + Aliens by pushing haphazardly in new/different directions (especially with the liberties it takes with tone of the series and the core characters), I have respect for the SAC and the good intentions behind it. not perfect by a long shot but still a worthwhile artefact of the abortion that was the Alien 3 development process. I view it as somewhat less than canonical (and Resurrection is a whole other thing, just a bit of dumb fun set in the same universe.)


been on a total Alien bender over the holiday break, prompted by playing through Isolation which is probably the best thing since Aliens.


edit: Alien 3 could have been really good if handled right. it had some good ingredients. I really like some of the actors who were cast in it, especially Charles Dance (I'll watch him in any damn thing) and the bloke who played the warden. it also had a cool visual language - excluding the goofy wide-lens shots from the alien's pov - which made it easier to watch.

Edited by usagi
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Guest bitroast

tried Alien 3 and first attempt was accidentally tackling the slow as fuck directors cut prior to seeing theatrical cut. i'm sort of too scared to bother trying again or tackling the later sequels/prequels/etc

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Alien 3, Special Assembly Cut.


I know how much hate this movie gets and yes, it is a right mess, but the SAC is the closest it'll ever get to being good. the people behind it have put a lot of work into salvaging it and making it more presentable, tweaking key aspects of the vanilla version, and while the whole affair still rubs up wrong against the shining legacy of Alien + Aliens by pushing haphazardly in new/different directions (especially with the liberties it takes with tone of the series and the core characters), I have respect for the SAC and the good intentions behind it. not perfect by a long shot but still a worthwhile artefact of the abortion that was the Alien 3 development process. I view it as somewhat less than canonical (and Resurrection is a whole other thing, just a bit of dumb fun set in the same universe.)


been on a total Alien bender over the holiday break, prompted by playing through Isolation which is probably the best thing since Aliens.


edit: Alien 3 could have been really good if handled right. it had some good ingredients. I really like some of the actors who were cast in it, especially Charles Dance (I'll watch him in any damn thing) and the bloke who played the warden. it also had a cool visual language - excluding the goofy wide-lens shots from the alien's pov - which made it easier to watch.


Yeah I like 3. Felt like they were going for a grim af 2000AD feel. Was a nice touch that they had no weapons because prison planet.

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