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I avoided Stephen king's IT cause the clown trope is played out but I enjoyed the film. 7/10

I can't put my finger on what it is about Stephen King films. Different directors doesn't matter.

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its crazy how many films/tv series i watch then learn later that they are originally stephen king novels. ive only read the dark tower series, which was the most frustrating blend of being compulsively readable as incredibly stupid and annoying ive ever known in a book. the constant and relentless of everything being explained away as 'ka' (fate), objects, people, and doors literally appearing out of thin air in completely ridiculous situations. i should probably read some of his less fiucking stupid books. 

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Went and saw Alien in the theater. Was great to see on the big screen, had some moments that felt like I was seeing it for the first time. Seeing a film I know that well and refocusing my attention really brings lots of goods along with the bads to the fore...Imperfect, but will always hold it in high regard, and it was very enjoyable. Some scenes are still tense as all hell.

Really wish they'd make a keyboard like this



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the post is plain godawful. it's basically a propaganda movie completely devoid of any artistry, and it doesn't matter that it's a propaganda for something that most liberals would agree is positive. it's just horrible to treat something as powerful as press in such an uncritical and shallow manner, and frame it like some good guys vs bad guys thing. the decision to focus on a rich as fuck and well connected publisher and build the dramatic climax around her is plain misguided. what did she really have at stake? the worst that could happen is that she would lose the paper and still remain rich as fuck and untouchable due to her social network. i guess she was chosen to be the platform for all those countless of "oh look how sexist it was back and how difficult it was for the women!" shoved in scenes. using all those feminists platitudes to evoke some kind of righteous and self satisfied agreement from the audience is just really pornographic. best picture oscar nominee, fuck me, hollywood is truly sick.

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Went and saw Alien in the theater. Was great to see on the big screen, had some moments that felt like I was seeing it for the first time. Seeing a film I know that well and refocusing my attention really brings lots of goods along with the bads to the fore...Imperfect, but will always hold it in high regard, and it was very enjoyable. Some scenes are still tense as all hell.

Really wish they'd make a keyboard like this




Had that image as my computer background for a while after reading that associated article. Love that sort of design and imagery.

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I thought Dunkirk was going to be a raw account, but some liberties were taken in the story. Pretty film. Kept me interested. The Score is awful. It's probably not easy making an engaging war film taking place at sea. Most ww2 films are in European cities. So I'll give him that. well done there. 6.5/10

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Went and saw Alien in the theater. Was great to see on the big screen, had some moments that felt like I was seeing it for the first time. Seeing a film I know that well and refocusing my attention really brings lots of goods along with the bads to the fore...Imperfect, but will always hold it in high regard, and it was very enjoyable. Some scenes are still tense as all hell.

Really wish they'd make a keyboard like this




Had that image as my computer background for a while after reading that associated article. Love that sort of design and imagery.


Love the audio too, My favorite is the monitors in this scene. I think maybe they used reel to reel pitch variable recording, maybe a analog delay and sounds like an arp 2600 doing static


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Maniac Cop 2, they just don't make them like this anymore.


Blade Runner 2049, technically flawless but all it did was throw "how is babby formed" out there, forgetting to do anything interesting with it, the rest of the stuff was already handled better in Blade Runner. It looked fantastic though, I wish I liked it more.

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Speaking of Netflix... they're releasing Charlie Kaufman's next film. And in early February they're releasing a new horror movie that actually looks pretty decent.


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Went and saw Alien in the theater. Was great to see on the big screen, had some moments that felt like I was seeing it for the first time. Seeing a film I know that well and refocusing my attention really brings lots of goods along with the bads to the fore...Imperfect, but will always hold it in high regard, and it was very enjoyable. Some scenes are still tense as all hell.

Really wish they'd make a keyboard like this




Had that image as my computer background for a while after reading that associated article. Love that sort of design and imagery.


Love the audio too, My favorite is the monitors in this scene. I think maybe they used reel to reel pitch variable recording, maybe a analog delay and sounds like an arp 2600 doing static



Yes! There's a lot of time and effort that went into making the world feel very distinct and the audio is definitely a part of that, they did well with it. I'm curious now to go check the extra features on the DVD set I have to see if there's any information about it. I know I've seen all the extra featurettes, but I'm not remembering if there was much on the audio design for Alien. Will report back later :)

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Speaking of Netflix... they're releasing Charlie Kaufman's next film. And in early February they're releasing a new horror movie that actually looks pretty decent.



The book takes quite a turn midway through, I'm very intrigued to see how close they stick to the source.

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 • Bridge of Spies (2015) - ★★ - Defense and exchange of spies during the Cold War. With Tom Hanks. Good, okay. 


 • Election (1999) - ★ - Teacher Matthew Broderick makes the wrong decisions making things funny, sort of, sometimes. Meh. 


 • The English Patient (1996) - ★ - A naive English nurse helps a war victim, but he might be not as innocent (as seen in the many flashbacks). Ugh. 


 • Munich (2005) - ★ - About the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Olympics, and the revenge of the Israeli on some Palestinians and Arabs. Kind-of drawn-out, stays very one-dimensional for a long time. The retributions could have been questioned way sooner. The conflict is much more blurry, grey, and sensitive for most people. 


 • Paris, Texas (1984) - ★ - A father has been drifting for years when he reconnects with the left-overs of his family. Didn't feel it. 


 • Synecdoche, New York (2008) - ★★ - A flawed masterpiece. I really want to love this movie. Has its ups and down. With Philip Seymour Hoffman. And overall very good acting. Goes deep, but seems very direction-less by times. 


 • Traffic (2000) - ★★ - The war on drugs, making more victim left and right, but missing the big guys. With Michael Douglas. 


 • Boyz n the Hood (1991) - ★★ - Follows the lives of a group of Afro-American friends, and their hopes and struggles. 


 • Bicycle Thieves (1948) - ★★ - A poor family-man gets his bike stolen. He can't work without one, so he tries to get it back, all the while his son helps and observes him closely. 


• Mother! (2017) - ★★★ - A couple's relation gets from dented to completely haywire in a waterfall of surreal happenings in and around the home they live in, and vice versa. Directed and written by Darren Aronofsky. It gets low ratings, but me and my girlfriend were completely blown away, without words, stunned, grippen, all the way through. This was for us together, and for us individually our worst nightmare. A social anxiety roller-coaster. I did not sleep that night. The muscles around my face were completely stiff, and hurt like hell. My eyes were crawling out of their sockets. My brain was in total overload, shocked in al its senses. I've never seen a horror movie like this, not anything that even came close to this experience. Hole schnitssels. What happened. This is, I think, my new all-time favorite extreme nightmarish horror movie! Me and my girlfriend, we were completely flabbergasted. I still can't... How even... Other people (and I think the majority of people) may think nothing of this movie, but I don't know what happened to me, maybe it's the social anxiety or somehow my deepest fears, wtfbbqomfg, what the fraggg! So glad I could experience this. 


 • Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) - ★ - It's Disney Star Wars, but something went wrong... Ugh. There are some okay ideas in some places though. 


 • Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) - ★ - Two kids must save the entire galaxy. Visuals, bad acting, and rihanna, whut?


 • Baby Driver (2017) - ★ - A bad boy takes part in a number of crimes because he has to pay of his bad boss. He's innocent though. But a girl he meets falls in love with him. He like listening to music. 


 • Wonder Woman (2017) - ★ - An Amazon Warrior-Woman in Modern Ancient Greece-Bubble goes fighting for a good Allied pilot versus the evil Nazi's. Also action and jokes. 


 • It (2017) - ★ - An evil clown, in stranger-things-style. 




Anime & Animation


 • Daily Lives of High School Boys (2012) - ★★ - Occasionally funny situational comedy of a bunch of high school boys and girls. Good, more-so for those in the same age-group. 


 • Space Dandy (2014) - ★★ - Somewhat immature humor and adventure of a space explorer / alien discoverer. Has its ups and down. 


 • Erased (2016) - ★★ - School boy tries to prevent kidnappings, having being sent back in time. Good, somewhat deeper and thrilling, only gripe is that the time-travel is never really explained. 


 • My Life as a Zucchini (2016) - ★ - Subdued short movie about an orphanage. Not sure why I didn't like this. Maybe cause I wasn't as touched by it, or that I found the ending to be rather odd, or that it ended too soon, dunno. Interesting theme though. 


• The Secret of Kells (2009) - ★★★ - Re-watch. The art is strong in this one. 






 • Mind Field (2017) - ★★★ - Simple clearly-explained small experiments on the human psyche. Fun and Interesting. 


 • Aokigahara: Suicide Forest (2010) - ★★ - About suicides in Japan. Emotional and daunting. Kinda short. I'd be interested in a long historical and socio-psychological documentary on this theme. 


 • The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom (2011) - ★★ - About the 2011 earthquake / tsunami and its survivors rebuilding the city and community. Emotional and hopeful. 


 • Japan: A Story of Love and Hate (2008) - ★★ - About a poor man and woman in Japan, having lost most in the economic crisis of the early '90s. Gives you a somewhat biased but honest view on the darker sides of Japan and its modern culture. 


 • Children Full of Life (2003) - ★★ - About a Japanese teacher trying to teach his students more then just the schoolbook. This was actually kind-of emotional. Every (Japanese) teacher should watch this in my opinion. 


 • Blue Planet II (2017) - ★★★ - Very recent documentary series about our oceans, new discoveries, underwater fauna and flora, but also with a look on the decline of life (cause of human activity). With good ol' David Attenborough. Recommended. 


 • Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (2009) - ★★★ - About evolution and the first research and theories by Charles Darwin. With David Attenborough. 





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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri


Dug the acting (always love Sam Rockwell), and have a soft spot for films that don't treat middle America and the South as a bunch of idiots (I grew up in the South). Plot could have been a bit more interesting. 7/10.

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