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Yeah it could have been someone at the CD plant (as a lot of leaks are apparently).

Really digging the album, my only problem is its not long enough.. I dont wanna wait another 2 years for new material.


He is good, very fucking good. Shame the leaks kick all the promo in the nuts a bit but still, the website was killer, the vids were great too. I lapped it up.
On his redditama he mentions something along the lines of him not caring too much about leaks, think its almost inevitable.. Im sure he'll get paid a good deal regardless of sales.

He also mentions AE and oversteps as a big influence/favourite so not a surprise you can kinda hear it

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Really don't see the Oversteps comparison

at least 2 moments in the album sound like straight up tribute/homages to oversteps, ill timecode the parts in each song next time i listen.




Much appreciated, I've only listened to GOD once and it's pretty dense


3:20 - 4:00 of Lift is one

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Yeah animals is next level pwoar..

Sticky Drama is the weird one.. I reckon it was gonna be the next single to grab the attention of some future browns then theyll have their brains fried by the rest of the lp

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Really don't see the Oversteps comparison

at least 2 moments in the album sound like straight up tribute/homages to oversteps, ill timecode the parts in each song next time i listen.




Much appreciated, I've only listened to GOD once and it's pretty dense


3:20 - 4:00 of Lift is one


there is a synthstab on child of rage that sounds like it came straight outta ilanders

god knows what this dude samples, i'm loving the album, buy or die!!

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Still don't get R+7, but absolutely loving this. I know "rave abstraction" or "deconstruction" is a pretty trite idea these days, but I think OPN absolutely nails it here. Rolls off the back nicely of his "bullet hell abstraction" tunes, I think he pulled apart all the excitement, precision, and mathemetical madness of bullet hell shooters with those tracks and it feels like he's applying the same ideas here. I was on the fence about a pre-order but this has totally convinced me.

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Yeah it could have been someone at the CD plant (as a lot of leaks are apparently).

Really digging the album, my only problem is its not long enough.. I dont wanna wait another 2 years for new material.


He is good, very fucking good. Shame the leaks kick all the promo in the nuts a bit but still, the website was killer, the vids were great too. I lapped it up.

On his redditama he mentions something along the lines of him not caring too much about leaks, think its almost inevitable.. Im sure he'll get paid a good deal regardless of sales.

He also mentions AE and oversteps as a big influence/favourite so not a surprise you can kinda hear it

were does he mention it ? god so many artists are influenced by ae but i didnt expect him so say that somehow.

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Yeah it could have been someone at the CD plant (as a lot of leaks are apparently).

Really digging the album, my only problem is its not long enough.. I dont wanna wait another 2 years for new material.


He is good, very fucking good. Shame the leaks kick all the promo in the nuts a bit but still, the website was killer, the vids were great too. I lapped it up.

On his redditama he mentions something along the lines of him not caring too much about leaks, think its almost inevitable.. Im sure he'll get paid a good deal regardless of sales.

He also mentions AE and oversteps as a big influence/favourite so not a surprise you can kinda hear it

were does he mention it ? god so many artists are influenced by ae but i didnt expect him so say that somehow.


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Yeah it could have been someone at the CD plant (as a lot of leaks are apparently).

Really digging the album, my only problem is its not long enough.. I dont wanna wait another 2 years for new material.


He is good, very fucking good. Shame the leaks kick all the promo in the nuts a bit but still, the website was killer, the vids were great too. I lapped it up.

On his redditama he mentions something along the lines of him not caring too much about leaks, think its almost inevitable.. Im sure he'll get paid a good deal regardless of sales.

He also mentions AE and oversteps as a big influence/favourite so not a surprise you can kinda hear it

were does he mention it ? god so many artists are influenced by ae but i didnt expect him so say that somehow.



he loves ae and oversteps but doenst mean its an big influence

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Guys, is the "Kaoss Edge Guitars" track on the album please ? Must be the most beautiful 20 seconds of music I've heard from OPN, would love to hear it in its entirety :music:

I don't think it is. But there's similar stuff in there.



Too bad. Thanks for the answer anyway :)

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Yeah it could have been someone at the CD plant (as a lot of leaks are apparently).

Really digging the album, my only problem is its not long enough.. I dont wanna wait another 2 years for new material.


He is good, very fucking good. Shame the leaks kick all the promo in the nuts a bit but still, the website was killer, the vids were great too. I lapped it up.

On his redditama he mentions something along the lines of him not caring too much about leaks, think its almost inevitable.. Im sure he'll get paid a good deal regardless of sales.

He also mentions AE and oversteps as a big influence/favourite so not a surprise you can kinda hear it

were does he mention it ? god so many artists are influenced by ae but i didnt expect him so say that somehow.



he loves ae and oversteps but doenst mean its an big influence


He did call them a "north star", which seems to imply Ae are guiding him to some degree.

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Loving this more and more after a few listens. It's a really adventurous album without being unpleasant to listen too. One of the coolest things I've heard in a while, it flows nicely and works as a coherent album. He's really carrying the torch for inventive experimental music as Autechre get older and less prolific. Might be too soon to say but I think this is already my album of the year so far. Excellent work Daniel!

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