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Autechre. NTS Residency. (_O_)


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None of the tracks seem as mind-bendingly complex as Exai, L-Event or (parts of) Elseq. Nor is any of it anywhere near as brutal, abrasive and uncompromising as the live shows (or again, parts of Elseq, I still find acdwn2 un-listenable). They all seem to have a pretty laid-back, easy to follow hip-hop groove, the overall sound is quite sparse. It's good background/working music that you can nod your head to.


Not sure about complexity but find it strange you find it less intense.. NTS 2 in particular sounds to me like some of the most intense shit they have ever done! but yeah think it may come down to different strokes.. what I love about Ae has never really been about complexity as such, slowly evolving grooves has always been where they excel for me and their still masters at it.

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nts is so much bigger than elseq. elseq is mostly very claustrophobic to me. I preferred 5 by a long shot and so far nts is 4 hours of that in an exploded view. i like this style way more. it also feels almost infinite somehow. like they could just keep cranking like this.


Really? 15+ minutes of extremely similar variations per second within each track? It's almost the definition of boring. Like ffs after 4 minutes of the same little tweaks and twiddles you expect it to get on already and have some sort of progression.


So far I think xflood is the only track with enough going on to qualify it as Autechre. 






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tracks 2, 3, 4, are fucking on it. hit in the head w/an axe. 


2 Six Of Eight (midst) 8:42 - endless lush
3 Xflood 9:24 <- 2001 going to god space odyssey ae style
4 Gonk Tuf Hi 7:52  <- headfuck jazz electronic. next level. 


i'm still getting used to the snare whatever white noise sound in Dummy Casual Pt2 but the transition into is a fucking x 10 next level 


i'm still digesting the rest.. i want to go get drunk in the bar at the great northern and dance w/leeland palmer 


but whatever. it is what it is. fuck. there's 4 more hours to come. 

Edited by ignatius
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Well im with bulk on this. I found myself skipping through both sessions and fast-forwarding tracks, biiiig 'so far'

Last time i did that was with eastre and before that with subrange 6-36 but just to see if anything elsez going on. Im not saying this is bad per se (subrange 6-36 is my fav ae track now) just itz different. I see these sessions just like that, like sessions, something that differs from their regular releases. They have albums that are the most emotionally pollished and time-proof, eps that are "more radical ideas", release of live sets /cause ppl asked/, which are the most 'immidiate' and now this sessions which are something in between, maybe between eps and lives.




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If you go back through their extended discography (including gescom) you will see that revisiting ideas, sounds, and techniques is common in their work. There is a clear progression even in what seems like radical departures between releases.


So far to my ears this album, if we should even call it that, is like a culmination and exploration of everything they have ever done up to this point. There are elements as recent as onesix mixing it up with stuff reaching as far back as incunabula.


I agree... it is a bit harder to distinguish between the most recent releases and earlier ones (the jump between Chiastic Slide and LP5 was pretty huge for example) but there's definitely some progress here from Elseq. Also I agree that there's a lot of older sounding stuff here. The last track on session 2 sounds a bit like Bronchus 2 to me, and four of seven makes me think of Basscadet and it's remixes. It's definitely the one that's been stuck in my head the most so far.


Well im with bulk on this. I found myself skipping through both sessions and fast-forwarding tracks, biiiig 'so far'

Last time i did that was with eastre and before that with subrange 6-36 but just to see if anything elsez going on. Im not saying this is bad per se (subrange 6-36 is my fav ae track now) just itz different. I see these sessions just like that, like sessions, something that differs from their regular releases. They have albums that are the most emotionally pollished and time-proof, eps that are "more radical ideas", release of live sets /cause ppl asked/, which are the most 'immidiate' and now this sessions which are something in between, maybe between eps and lives.





I sorta agree with this... at least the idea that NTS is it's own "thing". It doesn't seem to be something that I can enjoy in the same way that I enjoy their previous albums.

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Well im with bulk on this. I found myself skipping through both sessions and fast-forwarding tracks, biiiig 'so far'

Last time i did that was with eastre and before that with subrange 6-36 but just to see if anything elsez going on. Im not saying this is bad per se (subrange 6-36 is my fav ae track now) just itz different. I see these sessions just like that, like sessions, something that differs from their regular releases. They have albums that are the most emotionally pollished and time-proof, eps that are "more radical ideas", release of live sets /cause ppl asked/, which are the most 'immidiate' and now this sessions which are something in between, maybe between eps and lives.





u know how this reads like..? “when they released confield, they stopped making real music and from there on it’s just abstract wank. When will they ever make real music again” - it’s this, but 2018 version.. the bois are clearly exploring that longer format & normalizing new extremes here, there’s a lot actually, some obvious bullet points are: “long-ass stretched-out tracks (longer than comfortable)”, “steadier-than-comfortable beats”, “less curation of their system”


imo, it’s just a very confident approach and imo it’s just what their new “album” is.. what if there will never be something ever again which you could call an “Autechre album” because the new output doesn’t suit the arbitrary definition of what you would find on one from the past.

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What the bres have been doing these last 8 years or so (yea, starting with Oversteps, but more obvious since ae_live and the bleepstore release approach.. and maybe actually starting with Quaristice, at least conceptually ) is a rather large shift, not unlike the shift from melodic/basic/teenage ae to the more abstract early 2000s ae.. it’s just another shift.. keep shifting... always shifting af ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Did you guys notice that the next session will be on Bicycle Day? Maybe it's going to be extra-psychedelic.

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going back and forth between this and elseq has been fun. I listened to elseq 3 today… man it's very hard to pick a favourite part of elseq, but 3 might be it. all 3 tracks are so rich and emotional for me. mesh cinereaL is just ugh I love the shit out of that track, it's just the most tortued fucked up beautiful emotionally charged track. I mean all 3 here are amazing. probably along with elseq 1 this is my most listened to part. Thinking about that tho, about mesh cinereaL in particular, I feel like it would not feel out of place amidst one of these NTS sessions. It is interesting to think about…

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Did you guys notice that the next session will be on Bicycle Day? Maybe it's going to be extra-psychedelic.

I did, and I will be going to see STALKER on the big screen the next day. I'll be sober for both days tho. But that doesn't mean bob and john will be :emotawesomepm9:

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I'm not sure you and I are hearing the same music, as I would say the exact opposite is true. (For most of NTS vs elseq, not necessarily every track)



Ok I went back and had a listen to elseq (was late yesterday). elseq on some tracks sound more "produced" and have more bass, but are also in general sparser. I couldn't shake the feeling that nts was looser and that gave it a kind of jammy feeling (plus all the pretty pads and the groovy rhythms), but I think in reality it just has more variety in the sounds and not as hermetic, tight and bassy as elseq. I will say though on the tracks on elseq that are dense, like feed1, elyc6, latentcall, freuleaux, they might sound a little tighter in all the shifts and that gave my initial impression. I still haven't made up my mind on all this and I haven't heard the older albums in a few months either so will take some time to place all of it

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these releases sound so three dimensional and hi def and subtle to me


i find it more interesting and evocative than a lot of elseq

i'll take elyc7_3hres over elyc6_0nset for now

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these releases sound so three dimensional and hi def and subtle to me


i find it more interesting and evocative than a lot of elseq

i'll take elyc7_3hres over elyc6_0nset for now


Yeah very 3d :D Nothing on NTS so far beats feed1 for me personally still but still 2 nts to go

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Well im with bulk on this. I found myself skipping through both sessions and fast-forwarding tracks, biiiig 'so far'

Last time i did that was with eastre and before that with subrange 6-36 but just to see if anything elsez going on. Im not saying this is bad per se (subrange 6-36 is my fav ae track now) just itz different. I see these sessions just like that, like sessions, something that differs from their regular releases. They have albums that are the most emotionally pollished and time-proof, eps that are "more radical ideas", release of live sets /cause ppl asked/, which are the most 'immidiate' and now this sessions which are something in between, maybe between eps and lives.





the way i see these tracks where "not much is going on" is like we get to dive to a microscopic level of ae compositions where everything stretches the fuck out and time, of course, slows down from a bangin' raver to a hip hop jam. it has always been about data/second with ae for me and now this release adds a new fascination. like ae cram all the details and you imagine what this hip hop jam might be as you float further from it.


for example, convert violvoic to 8min 30 sec and you got a fuckin' banger. but you lose all the trempling bass that you can appreciate in the "zoomed in" original version...

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I'm not sure you and I are hearing the same music, as I would say the exact opposite is true. (For most of NTS vs elseq, not necessarily every track)


Ok I went back and had a listen to elseq (was late yesterday). elseq on some tracks sound more "produced" and have more bass, but are also in general sparser. I couldn't shake the feeling that nts was looser and that gave it a kind of jammy feeling (plus all the pretty pads and the groovy rhythms), but I think in reality it just has more variety in the sounds and not as hermetic, tight and bassy as elseq. I will say though on the tracks on elseq that are dense, like feed1, elyc6, latentcall, freuleaux, they might sound a little tighter in all the shifts and that gave my initial impression. I still haven't made up my mind on all this and I haven't heard the older albums in a few months either so will take some time to place all of it

elseq does sound a bit more 'produced' to my ears, but in that they're very particular and constrained and rigid in the performances of each "instrument" within the track. There's not much bleed and dirt and smudging between them that is all over NTS, which as you point out is definitely looser and jammy...it more often feels like a live set with mistakes and 'noise' in between than the relatively particular components of elseq..... anyway I think your last sentence sums up the issue: we're trying to process (as of now) 4 hours of new AE doing some of the craziest shit they've ever done, so I'm trying to keep in mind that almost everything we're all saying is really just first impressions. It all takes time to absorb, especially stuff like this.

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I would guess they're pretty serious about this release as the vinyl edition is almost 5 pounds of vinyl  :biggrin:


Elseq wasn't on CD or vinyl, the singles comp wasn't on vinyl


They're always super respectful of fans, if they only considered these some "extended jams" I doubt they would turn it into such a mega boxset


In a way it seems like they're emphasizing this album more than anything they've done before

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but in that they're very particular and constrained and rigid in the performances of each "instrument" within the track. There's not much bleed and dirt and smudging between them that is all over NTS, 



Yeah I think that's what I'm hearing.




 anyway I think your last sentence sums up the issue: we're trying to process (as of now) 4 hours of new AE doing some of the craziest shit they've ever done, so I'm trying to keep in mind that almost everything we're all saying is really just first impressions. It all takes time to absorb, especially stuff like this.


Pretty much, takes time


I would guess they're pretty serious about this release as the vinyl edition is almost 5 pounds of vinyl  :biggrin:


They're always super respectful of fans, if they only considered these some "extended jams" I doubt they would turn it into such a mega boxset



Absolutely, I wasn't trying to imply that it was lesser, I think it's definitely a choice and has its own different style (if I don't change my mind later). I wouldn't call them jams, just that the production is looser, but at the same time it has a lot of variety and still maybe even more interesting than elseq as a result, but we'll see. I don't generally like to hard compare (as in judge / pick better/worse) just soft compare in order to analyze and see what's similar and different and so on

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