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Coronavirus COVID-19


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went to the grocery store this morning. they are doing a good job of controlling entry to the store, keeping it really spacious so not crowded. also sterilizing the checkout stations between every customer and only 1 customer at the checkout at a time. i was relieved.  they have a staging area pre-checkout too and a person controlling the line. i stocked up so hopefully won't have to go back for weeks. 

governor of oregon issued shelter in place order finally. 

Edited by ignatius
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2 minutes ago, ignatius said:

went to the grocery store this morning. they are doing a good job of controlling entry to the store, keeping it really spacious so not crowded. also sterilizing the checkout stations between every customer and only 1 customer at the checkout at a time. i was relieved.  they have a staging area pre-checkout too and a person controlling the line. i stocked up so hopefully won't have to go back for weeks. 


Nice - same type of protocols here. We stocked up but didn't bulk buy, just made sure we have enough staple goods (proteins/lentils/potatoes etc etc) to last a couple months. Apparently my area of town is the worst hit in my city so hoping to leave the house maybe once every couple weeks (aside for going for walks in the ravine here).


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^my workplace (which i don't have to visit for who knows how long as i'm working from home) is implementing temperature checks for anyone working in the office area and are putting pretty strict separation policies for workers who build outside (who often work in close company) so they're doing what they can while keeping the business going. nonetheless, being open and keeping production going still puts everyone there at risk of course. good to see some strict guidelines going down, even if they're not always perfect.

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29 minutes ago, ambergonk said:

Wasn't that mainly a 2013 pre-Q-Anon thing?

I think the chemtrails conspiracy theory started on the Art Bell show. Art Bell was a conspiracy theory guy with a radio talk show in the United States. Goes back at least as far as the 90's.


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3 minutes ago, hijexx said:

I think the chemtrails conspiracy theory started on the Art Bell show. Art Bell was a conspiracy theory guy with a radio talk show in the United States. Goes back at least as far as the 90's.


Phil Hendrie used to do a great impression/spoof and have a fake radio show and get people to call in. was fucking hilarious. phil hendrie is a genius. 

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how are people living on their own going to cope with this lockdown? i need genuine advice, im already going fucking mental. actually insane, not figuratively.

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Was watching the NJ governor's address this afternoon and some fuckwad gun lobbyist asked why they decided to deem gun stores non-essential (thereby temporarily closing them), saying that the people have a right to buy guns to defend themselves at a time like this.  The gov couldn't comment because apparently this dude's group sued the state over their decision to close the gun stores along with almost everything else.  WTF is wrong with these people?

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Noooo!  Not the testicle festival!  There goes my highlight of the year.

20 minutes ago, QQQ said:

how are people living on their own going to cope with this lockdown? i need genuine advice, im already going fucking mental. actually insane, not figuratively.

Make music non-stop.

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In the past week since friday, 3 of my neighbors have had some kind of party or get together with cars lining the streets. Ugh. Yesterday adjacent one had a kids birthday party with a TON of people. Like WTF. Some people really aren't wired to understand something until it's already happened to them or someone they know.

Edited by Brisbot
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27 minutes ago, QQQ said:

how are people living on their own going to cope with this lockdown? i need genuine advice, im already going fucking mental. actually insane, not figuratively.

i would recommend sticking to a schedule. ive not spoken to anyone in person for 9 days now and yeah its been tough

i do an hour yoga, 20 minutes high intensity kettlebell workout and a 3 mile jog in the morning which is exhausting. then i do 2 hours production. computer games. trying to get 5 hours piano in a day. ive been drinking heavily in the evenings but im stopping drinking in the week.


but yeah its gonna be tough. i said in the other thread extroverts are going to be going mental.

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33 minutes ago, QQQ said:

how are people living on their own going to cope with this lockdown? i need genuine advice, im already going fucking mental. actually insane, not figuratively.

internet, music making, organizing stuff, books whatever.. just staying occupied. checking in w/family and friends, making a phone call once in a while. 

gotta admit.. i'm ok doing this home alone thing as it's sorta my default. 

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33 minutes ago, QQQ said:

how are people living on their own going to cope with this lockdown? i need genuine advice, im already going fucking mental. actually insane, not figuratively.

dunno, but being sequestered with all your family members and being around them 24/7 is the flip side to that. I read that domestic violence calls have spiked recently and sadly, so have child abuse cases...

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2 minutes ago, ignatius said:

internet, music making, organizing stuff, books whatever.. just staying occupied. checking in w/family and friends, making a phone call once in a while. 

gotta admit.. i'm ok doing this home alone thing as it's sorta my default. 

Yeah us introverts are just like "eh socializing is great but we can just do it after the pandemic is over, I don't see the big deal"

Edited by Brisbot
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I rent out a cabin in the back of a friend's property, so I still see them (a couple) daily, although I've mostly been keeping to myself writing/recording some synth-pop album type thing.  Halfway into the third song today.

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6 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

Yeah us introverts are just like "eh socializing is great but we can just do it after the pandemic is over, I don't see the big deal"

The whole situation reminds me a lot of my early student days when, particularly during summers, I had nothing to do because I didn't have any money to travel anywhere or go out to bars or restaurants and everybody else seemed to be on some vacation. Just play games, read books, take a walk. Drink a bit of alcohol, go philosophical with big questions. Get so bored that it somehow turns into creativity.

Sometimes having time off from your daily life can bring on some new discoveries. Back in 1665 Newton had to go into a kind of isolation because the Great Plague shut down the Trinity college and while doing private studies at his home he came up with the theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation.

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3 minutes ago, zkom said:

Back in 1665 Newton had to go into a kind of isolation because the Great Plague shut down the Trinity college and while doing private studies at his home he came up with the theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation.


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Been working in the garden on a big hardscaping project I have been putting off for like 2 years. So satisfying to finally see it coming together (building a brick wall for raised beds). Otherwise am working on a new dark, dancey Sweguno EP. This lockdown is pretty great so far other than the whole people dying bit.

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One of two job sites shutdown. My boss is giving me a few hours today.. I can see it all my work being done in a week.

I'm feeling the loneliness of this self isolation. I mean I'm usually alone and like it but I feel more lonely because I recognize that other people are lonely... Hmm.

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2 hours ago, yekker said:

One of two job sites shutdown. My boss is giving me a few hours today.. I can see it all my work being done in a week.

I'm feeling the loneliness of this self isolation. I mean I'm usually alone and like it but I feel more lonely because I recognize that other people are lonely... Hmm.

Here is something to cheer you up:



"The Chinese Land Reform Movement , also known by the Chinese abbreviation Tǔgǎi (土改), was a campaign by the Communist Party leader Mao Zedong during the late phase of the Chinese Civil War and the early People's Republic of China.[1] The campaign involved mass killings of landlords by tenants and land redistribution to the peasantry.[2] The estimated death count of the movement ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions."

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