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We were discussing that earlier in chatmm. We have no idea who came out of that motel office, and the other Diane was def a clue to that.

He acted like Mr C during the sex scene. 

The other reason she may have been upset is she knew she was literally fucking him into one more dimension and therefor losing him again. Possibly it was a sex magick thing, Crowley style, to get him there.


at first i thought its the beginning of the bad cooper also because of the sex scene maybe thats what diane meant by he raped her," in a emotional way".

also he acts a bit like the bad one, i think that even david lynch doesnt fully understand the ending or he was baked as hell.


There was some very subtle Mr.C vibe in there, you're right. Maybe Coop just wasn't as passionate a man with women, since Caroline happened to him (or at all) and Lynch wanted to show that... Which would make some sense, since he gave out a kind of asexual vibe in ep1 and 2. This kind of goes along with some of my thoughts on why Coop failed to have complete courage in the Lodge. Because, although a brave man, he was afraid of committing emotionally.


btw. Kavinsky, love the Le Mepris avatar you have there.

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that last episode is lynch doing what he's always done, which is exploring the subconscious and capturing dream logic in all its uncanniness and unpredictability. 


"For Freud, the uncanny's mixture of the familiar and the eerie confronts the subject with unconscious, repressed impulses.[3] Expanding on the idea, psychoanalytic theorist Jacques Lacan wrote that the uncanny places us "in the field where we do not know how to distinguish bad and good, pleasure from displeasure," resulting in an irreducible anxiety gesturing to the Real."


cooper returns to normal yet he's not, laura's back yet she's not, we're back to twin peaks yet it feels nothing like twin peaks. 

what was once familiar is now alienated. 


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perhaps lot's of time passed on that last visit to the red room?


i was expecting the guy w/the blue gloved punching fist to punch the bad cooper. 


perhaps he gave us just enough to make up our own endings? 

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pheww that was great. unsettling af. thank god for all the sillyness and humor in the previous episodes.


the two worlds can never be in sync. the lodge and all those characters are beyond time and space. people who enter and try to act from and understand it cannot and are forever doomed to be lost and wandering, just like major briggs in the first seasons. they're never the same. laura palmer cannot be found and nothing will ever be resolved!





bad show btw


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We were discussing that earlier in chatmm. We have no idea who came out of that motel office, and the other Diane was def a clue to that.

He acted like Mr C during the sex scene.

The other reason she may have been upset is she knew she was literally fucking him into one more dimension and therefor losing him again. Possibly it was a sex magick thing, Crowley style, to get him there.

at first i thought its the beginning of the bad cooper also because of the sex scene maybe thats what diane meant by he raped her," in a emotional way".

also he acts a bit like the bad one, i think that even david lynch doesnt fully understand the ending or he was baked as hell.

There was some very subtle Mr.C vibe in there, you're right. Maybe Coop just wasn't as passionate a man with women, since Caroline happened to him (or at all) and Lynch wanted to show that... Which would make some sense, since he gave out a kind of asexual vibe in ep1 and 2. This kind of goes along with some of my thoughts on why Coop failed to have complete courage in the Lodge. Because, although a brave man, he was afraid of committing emotionally.


btw. Kavinsky, love the Le Mepris avatar you have there.

Good points. Various specifics vary but there seems to be a general consensus that this is a third Coop, or at least a coop post-return. I think his bad coop mannerisms are not a indication of being bad but more of this cold, focused part of his new personality that overshadows his warmer emotional presence.



He's becoming / became lost. This is what happend to Jeffries, Briggs, Desmond. They know all but cannot act. On the other hand folks like Gordon and Albert and Tammy...or even Hawk, Andy, and Briggs...they have an awareness of this evil but can't or won't go further.


Cooper has joined the ranks of the other Blue Rose victims and the darker fates of Laura and Sarah. They are neither dead nor alive. They have all failed to defeat evil, or at least keep it at bay, without falling out of time and space.



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What you don't see and what you don't know is, to me, more terrifying than what is presented to us and explored visually.


So Sarah Palmer moaning and making guttural growls off screen then dashing in to smash up the photo was indeed very sinister.  When nothing is happening on screen you can build tension and allow your brain to form ideas / look for things that may or may not be happening.

Laura Palmer did the same during their long car journey back to Twin peaks - "are we being followed?" - the answer was NO but whilst sat there contemplating what she was doing in a car with an unknown FBI agent, the fear was building inside her and the tension I felt whilst watching it followed suit.


A lot of Hollywood has forgotten this fantastic skill - eg Ridley Scott in 1979 giving us glimpses of the terrifying Alien beast hiding in the shadows, then is 2017 mainsplaining it to us with full-on CGI and a potted history lesson. There is nothing scary about having the entire situation and meaning laid out for you.


True horror lies in the human mind.

Edited by fletcher
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as a whole with all episodes put together, it seemed like the surrealist's Supreme-Point


"life and death, the real & the imagined, past & future, the communicable & the incommunicable, high & low, cease to be perceived as contradictions" - Breton


the only conclusion i could draw was, as the Fugees so succinctly put it, "Onetime!"

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holy fuk after watching the last 2 episodes i had a dream about it but with a different ending , as far as i can recall it took place in a huge desert the strange tree from the red room was there & coop took laura with her so she can lay down next to here allready long dead mother sara palmer after that everything seemed right again coop turned around into the hot desert while the heat haze covered him until he dissaperd completly.

thats what i call a subconscious expierence ! lol

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holy fuk after watching the last 2 episodes i had a dream about it but with a different ending , as far as i can recall it took place in a huge desert the strange tree from the red room was there & coop took laura with her so she can lay down next to here allready long dead mother sara palmer after that everything seemed right again coop turned around into the hot desert while the heat haze covered him until he dissaperd completly.


thats what i call a subconscious expierence ! lol


quite interesting! think about what that means to you, cause it is your subconscious and you're telling something to your self

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after coop wakes up in the motel everything looks more ''real'' then anything before and he acts more like a ''real' person, not a black/white, mc.c/cooper split stereotype, but as a whole person with its good and bad characteristics. 

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I can't believe there's only one more episode left. These last two were absolutely brilliant though.

the next episode will be 25 years long like some kind of neverending loop ooh meh head

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