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Wanda Group, never heard of it just checked it out for the first time. Interesting mixture of sort of 80s early 90s post industrial tropes mixed with a bit of clicks and cuts minimal techno school. Not sure what to think of it but i would say it falls a bit more into the normal category than Dalglish (imo).

the fake vinyl crackling noise all over this record Get involved in My throat is a bit funny, but its not bad

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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I guess when I listen to OPN I can think of lots of different types of listeners hearing it and being like, "hmm, this is weird but I like it", which is a genuine response. The music is still odd no matter how much hype there is around it. It's not conventional pop or dance or ambient - it has elements of all of those but not arranged in the format expected of those genres. Sticky Drama, if you took out the blast beats and reduced it to a hook and chorus would basically be a skrillex track. The overall sound of the album to me is closest to highly cinematic video game music, which is to say, musical fantasy that is atmospheric, visual, and engaging.

Edited by Salvatorin
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Yeah I know Wanda Group (got the Meds release) and Farmers Manual.


Like a lot of you I listen to a LOT of music and, imo, OPN is a true original. Nothing I've heard sounds like him.


Wanda Group is fucking good yeah, but he's too out there for popular consumption imo. He's at Dalglish level. OPN is fucking Bieber compared to those guys.



pls let me know who this artists who are doing something fresh and interesting and get no attention are...


*awaits a slew of BoC, Tuss and Actress clones*

not sure about right now but I can list a shit load of crucial IDM and spinoff artists that rarely get talked about in here starting with Farmers Manual (Gescom minidisc owes a lot to their Explorers WE album). Let me know if you want a detailed list, watmm has never been very good on the whole at mining their own obscure electronic music palette (save for a few hobbyists in the forum)



0PN is about the most innovative electronic artist I can think of who has "crossed over" into larger indie audience territory. Even really well regarded drone and noise artists like say, Emeralds and Wolf Eyes, haven't meant anything close to the hype he's gathered.


Why? He's in Brooklyn. So is Arca. It as well as LA and London are just inherently more hyped and connected to the PR machines. (I'm excluding Berlin, it's more of the dance/club music epicenter)


His label Software is a imprint of Mexican Summer, which is about as big, indie, and stereotypically "hipster" as you can get. I'm not saying this as a cynic or detractor whatsoever. In fact Daniel's earlier albums were put out on truly underground and DIY cassette labels like NNA Tapes, Deception Island, Taped Sounds, Catholic Tapes and he was on Editions Mego, which had better disto but is still fairly niche (like Planet Mu, Skam or Rephlex) before he signed to Warp. He worked his way up.


Besides the music, his influence (he is after along with James Ferraro the unintentional inventer of vaporwave), and the context of where he lives, there's also the reality that a lot of talented and heralded artists simply don't get publicity or fame because the don't beg for it or seek it. A lot of guys purposely avoid it. I would suspect that of Wanda Group and most of his peers fall in this camp. Hell some producers seem so bent on being authentic it hurts their ability to reach more people. For example in the more underground tape scenes guys like Giant Claw, Huero S, 1991, and Nmesh have been on fire but they have hardly gained traction on a lot of the tastemaker outlets like p4k. I'm still mystified that VHS Head hasn't had more acclaim and press. As for the musicians of more dubious quality and sincerity with huge amounts of hype and hyperbolic acclaim (I won't name names, but there are plenty out there), there's a lot of styling and non-artistic effort put into curating such attention.


0PN is one of the very few producers out there who, at least in my observation, has actually gained a lot of attention without purposely seeking it or even bullshitting his music and aesthetics in anyway. It's something hard to do in the 2010s. Very few novel, experimental, and progressive artists achieve this, and I would say many of our WATMM featured artists fall in this camp. Burial comes off that way too. 0PN's pretentious vibe is also something I don't find forced or off-putting (again, might be a context thing with him being in NYC) because tbh he still comes off as a regular, down-to-earth guy.


TLDR: 0PN is one of the very few artists who by luck and circumstance is deservedly acclaimed and popular solely for his uncompromisingly forward thinking music. Most people that big in the indie music world are either full of shit to some degree or mainstream/safe/constrained in their artistic efforts.

Edited by joshuatx
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Normally I'd hate the odd chipmunky vocals used on a lot of the tracks, but on further listens, on this album they just work for some reason...

Overall it's glitchy, weird, and even a bit heavy on occasion... I like it already and it's continuing to grow on me.

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Still digging this but those tinny claptrap vocals - they kind of ruin many of the tracks. I'd love to hear No Good without it sounding like it's been remixed by Kanye West or Hudson M.


As a whole album, I still prefer R+7 and Replica but this one is okay - just not earth shattering as some seem to have found it.

Nobody seems to have talked much about the artwork - I think it's the best cover I've seen in ages.

Probably the only artist Warp have signed in the last five years that's actually decent.


It's time they picked up VHS Head.

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Well said Joshua.


I don't find OPN pretentious at all, I find it a strange acquisition. He's just thoughtful and eloquent.


Arca lives in East London btw.


Ah, wasn't aware he moved. He was in NYC at one point though, in school and as a DJ

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Haven't been keeping up with the thread so it's probly been said before but the vocals from 2:50 in Freaky Eyes sound sooo much like the vocals in Returnal. As soon as they morph into that it's like being shot straight back into returnal but with completely different context, so lush, definitely my favourite part of this album

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finally listened

instantly recognized the john amrtyn eccojam, ace

album is like a soundtrack to spending weekends playing time crisis & tekken at arcades all while listening to hybrid theory on my discman, lol

feels like a way more intense record than the previous lps. i became so familiar with returnal/replica/r+7 that i would put them on in the background and enjoy.. GOD is way too intense for that imo. at this stage anyway.


beaumont hannant's basscadet rmx sampled in child of rage ?? cloudline in mutant standard (intros 4 both)?

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finally listened

instantly recognized the john amrtyn eccojam, ace

album is like a soundtrack to spending weekends playing time crisis & tekken at arcades all while listening to hybrid theory on my discman, lol

feels like a way more intense record than the previous lps. i became so familiar with returnal/replica/r+7 that i would put them on in the background and enjoy.. GOD is way too intense for that imo. at this stage anyway.


beaumont hannant's basscadet rmx sampled in child of rage ?? cloudline in mutant standard (intros 4 both)?

Spot on

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album is like a soundtrack to spending weekends playing time crisis & tekken at arcades all while listening to hybrid theory on my discman, lol


oh shit, totally
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album is like a soundtrack to spending weekends playing time crisis & tekken at arcades all while listening to hybrid theory on my discman, lol

oh shit, totally


jesus christ can this shit get any more contrived



Edited by Alcofribas
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album is like a soundtrack to spending weekends playing time crisis & tekken at arcades all while listening to hybrid theory on my discman, lol

oh shit, totally

jesus christ can this shit get any more contrived



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