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Coronavirus COVID-19


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Hadn’t noticed more birds than is usual in spring :shrug: though there are reports of other forms of wildlife becoming more daring, such as coyotes wandering the streets in San Francisco and mountain goats doing the same in Wales.

But re: pigeons, yes, apparently they are in trouble. Magpies, crows and seagulls are fine. They can either get food elsewhere or do things like steal from trash bags (which are still around). Pigeons, however, need garbage strewn on the street (including, get this, vomit from drunk partygoers) and there’s very little of that left. 

Edited by rhmilo
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1 hour ago, BCM said:

Has anyone noticed a lot more birds around lately? I think they're going to take over. Hitchcock was right.

They are after all, the remnants of the dinosaurs. Maybe they've just been biding their time.

Just the usual ravens in my neighborhood. They're gangsta af tho.

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On 4/4/2020 at 3:06 AM, Stickfigger said:

I would argue though if you are coughing and sneezing on everyone that you are showing symptoms and yeah , wear a mask if you can't stop coughing 

You can cough for any number of reasons and sneeze because of allergies... I shouldn't have said on everyone though, it sounds like you can't stop... 

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On 4/3/2020 at 10:49 PM, Mesh Gear Fox said:

tim where abouts is your boat atm? it's a cruise boat right?

Yeah we've been going once a week to Miami to get provisions and fuel... And then we drift around the coast in the meantime... 

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Haven't noticed any change in bird activity here (the town wouldn't seem all that different yet to them). There are thousands of cassowaries here, so we'd be fked if they put away their timid librarian nature and broke bad Bruce Lee style. I've noticed that the bush curlews love some bluesy melancholic sax of an evening, but they are types of birds you can't sneak up on. Socially distancing champs.

The one weird thing I have noticed is a few more wild pigs risking it in the vicinity of the town. I guess they'll be rife in a Mad Max situation, for better or worse.

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edit: just realized that article is from March 13th. i wonder if the administraion's poicy has changed?

this is a pretty fucked up thing even for trump administration. strange way to flex



WASHINGTON — Despite mounting pleas from California and other states, the Trump administration isn’t allowing states to use Medicaid more freely to respond to the coronavirus crisis by expanding medical services.


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25 minutes ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

apparently they are ex bulldogs players who have escaped from their contracts and let loose in the wild. this also explains their attraction to underrage girls

I feel like there's some Australian slang/culture thing here that's making this message difficult for me to understand.

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On 4/4/2020 at 8:34 PM, rhmilo said:

FWIW the official Dutch standpoint - with the Dutch CDC insists is in line with WHO recommendations - is that face masks lead to a false sense of security, increase the risk of transmission (as you’ll be touching your face more to adjust the damn things) and the protection they offer others should *you* be the one that’s contagious is less than if you would just keep a safe distance (which over here is 1.5 meters).


They say the only reason to recommend facial masks for everyone if keeping such a safe distance is impossible.

Which I guess it is, in places where they use them a lot, such as Japan or South Korea.

Or the subway in New York.


And tons of Dutch supermarkets, other shops and public transport. When I got out a tapemeasure to see how my intuitive measured up against the actual distance I was unpleasantly surprised. Also found out I have a rather small penis : ( 

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8 hours ago, BCM said:

Has anyone noticed a lot more birds around lately? I think they're going to take over. Hitchcock was right.

They are after all, the remnants of the dinosaurs. Maybe they've just been biding their time.

avian flu may 2020 confirmed 

8 hours ago, BCM said:

Has anyone noticed a lot more birds around lately? I think they're going to take over. Hitchcock was right.

They are after all, the remnants of the dinosaurs. Maybe they've just been biding their time.

avian flu may 2020 confirmed 

8 hours ago, BCM said:

Has anyone noticed a lot more birds around lately? I think they're going to take over. Hitchcock was right.

They are after all, the remnants of the dinosaurs. Maybe they've just been biding their time.

avian flu may 2020 confirmed 

8 hours ago, BCM said:

Has anyone noticed a lot more birds around lately? I think they're going to take over. Hitchcock was right.

They are after all, the remnants of the dinosaurs. Maybe they've just been biding their time.

avian flu may 2020 confirmed 


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5 hours ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

well we're gonna need hog meat once the karen army have snapped up all the food from woolies and coles.

fr though didn't know we had many wild pigs in australia, i've never seen one. do they escape from farms or something?

When I was a kid I used to go pig shooting with my dad in the general vicinity of the ACT and that wintry area of NSW. You'd come across some huge packs of them and the head bull was fairly dangerous. I've known of ex-Commandos who like to meet up at a retreat and get in lots of outdoorsey things like pig shooting for peace of mind.

As for upper Queensland, nothing would surprise me really. If some ManBearPig came out of the foliage I wouldn't be all that shocked. The insects dominate the nights, and the frogs go nuts during wet season.

There was also that horror movie Razorback. Dingos are about as large as our potentially maneating dryland critters get, so it makes sense that our credible creature feature is a mutant boar.

I assume they were introduced and ran feral at some point, like rabbits, cane toads, wild cats, brumbies, foxes, etc.

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Bronx Zoo Tiger Diagnosed With Coronavirus After Developing Dry Cough




The tiger, a female named Nadia, was tested for coronavirus after developing a dry cough. Her sister Azul, two Amur tigers, and three African lions have also developed the dry cough.

The WCS, which said that all the big cats are expected to recover, explained in a press release, "This positive COVID-19 test for the tiger was confirmed by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory, based in Ames, Iowa. We tested the cat out of an abundance of caution and will ensure any knowledge we gain about COVID-19 will contribute to the world’s continuing understanding of this novel coronavirus."

"Our cats were infected by a person caring for them who was asymptomatically infected with the virus or before that person developed symptoms," the non-profit said. 


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14 hours ago, rhmilo said:

But re: pigeons, yes, apparently they are in trouble. Magpies, crows and seagulls are fine. They can either get food elsewhere or do things like steal from trash bags (which are still around). Pigeons, however, need garbage strewn on the street (including, get this, vomit from drunk partygoers) and there’s very little of that left. 

Reminds me of this 'bored commentator' piece on "pigeon dressage" that Nick Heath did 1-2 weeks ago:



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There is information given right now in Germany that Covid-19 has a high chance of causing a temporary numbness in taste and smell. Very light cases could also be just that and maybe have a little bit of throat discomfort. The numbness is definitely noticeable. There was for example one women that couldn't smell the need to change diapers on her newborn anymore.


If you any of you guys have that or notice that in the future, you should quarantine yourself for a bit.

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1 hour ago, Psychotronic said:

There is information given right now in Germany that Covid-19 has a high chance of causing a temporary numbness in taste and smell. Very light cases could also be just that and maybe have a little bit of throat discomfort. The numbness is definitely noticeable. There was for example one women that couldn't smell the need to change diapers on her newborn anymore.


If you any of you guys have that or notice that in the future, you should quarantine yourself for a bit.

Is Germany just getting this taste/smell info now? We've had that in the US for over a week now. Any more detail on the throat discomfort symptoms?

My wife and I have been in self quarantine since March 10th and except for a few necessary outings, we've stayed in. No Covid symptoms ( that I'm aware of) but I've had an off/on throat irritation that feels a bit like the beginning of a cold that never really takes hold. 

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4 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

Is Germany just getting this taste/smell info now? We've had that in the US for over a week now. Any more detail on the throat discomfort symptoms?

My wife and I have been in self quarantine since March 10th and except for a few necessary outings, we've stayed in. No Covid symptoms ( that I'm aware of) but I've had an off/on throat irritation that feels a bit like the beginning of a cold that never really takes hold. 

there have been personal experiences from people who had confirmed cases of COVID of the lack of taste/smell for at least a month, maybe more. dunno that there's ever been any hard science backing this up but nonetheless it seems a possible indicator. 

lots of people just have mild issues in spring with throat/sinuses with the pollen everywhere, but that's likely something that happens every year to those people (dependent upon location of course) so not necessarily worth freaking out about ofc.

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