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interesting documentary from the book by the investigator that took over from the russell poole investigation; this is presented very well, but there are a lot of talking points and a lot of characters with street names so things can get confusing. unless you're actually interested in this "history" this will probably seem really boring because it's also kinda long.




this was really good, but holy shit was it also cheesy. basically, every murder suspected to have been done by jack the ripper is recreated (always behind a green screen that was purchased from poundland) in an attempt to better illustrate the crimes and understand how the police were investigating the murders at the time.


the amount of research and detail is amazing, if you can just look past the ultra low-budget (?) for production design

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this was really good, but holy shit was it also cheesy. basically, every murder suspected to have been done by jack the ripper is recreated (always behind a green screen that was purchased from poundland) in an attempt to better illustrate the crimes and understand how the police were investigating the murders at the time.


the amount of research and detail is amazing, if you can just look past the ultra low-budget (?) for production design


This is like true outsider trash TV. Good work on getting over the inertia to watch a show like this. I can never be bothered.

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Man, that Gods of Egypt movie looks terrible. It looks like the CGI was done 5 years ago under very tight budget


On the other hand


The Martian - 8.5/10 - I liked it, Matt Damon is alright in my book. The cast was pretty well chosen IMO except for the fact that the satellite control girl was WAY too hot to be working at NASA.

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Good night mommy/ ich seh ich seh. So, I figured out the big twist within ten minutes and thought there had to be more to it. Nope, it's snoozefest. If you think you've got it figured might as well turn it off, because it kills any tension that could've been. Incredibly overrated 3/10

Edited by Gocab
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watched this last night at a screening in burbank. so apollo had an illegitimate kid with mary anne creed (who now lives in a youth detention center in los angeles) and is prone to getting into fights. he's picked up by his mom and years later, he's now trying to get into boxing by booking fights in tijuana. he eventually moves to philly so he can be trained by rocky balboa but doesn't tell him he's apollo creed's son (because he doesn't want no favors).


after that it's basically about getting ready for the fight against pretty ricky in liverpool. there's lots of training montages with a few replays to the rocky films because this is kind of a whole new film- except you might also recognize some of the muzik.


imo this film came off as a remake of the original rocky except with the creed character and without the originality, because the original already exists

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they missed an opportunity to turn the story into a new cold war spy drama, where the son goes to Russia to assassinate vladimir putin with a knockout punch in revenge for his dad in Rocky IV

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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this was brilliant. the school of hope has a strange disciplinary committee: a gang of girls that will torture you to death in order to keep the status quo in place. unfortunately for them, the first girl they kill is second lieutenant in noriko's gang (miki sugimoto). she joins the school (together with 2 other delinquents after trying to steal a dorks car) in an attempt to get revenge- but things are complicated when maki (reiko ike) arrives and challenges her to a fight to the death.


extreme violence ensues

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Upside Down - 9/10 saw this on tv again and remembered why I loved it, I'm a sci fi romance sucker, and this played beautifully with metaphors for class struggle, first world vs third world nations, fascist govt vs democracy. All in a pretty low budget but well acted story, similar to Snow Piercer. The Sigur Ros soundtrack works well.

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For those that saw Inherent Vice, what did you think?


After a viewing it's my least favorite PTA film but I'm thinking about giving it another chance to see if I get anything out of it. I remember it trying my patience though.

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For those that saw Inherent Vice, what did you think?


After a viewing it's my least favorite PTA film but I'm thinking about giving it another chance to see if I get anything out of it. I remember it trying my patience though.


It seemed more like an experiment to turn a Thomas Pynchon book into a film. I didn't like it and I fucking love all his other movies.

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never rated Mr Anderson's work until Inherent Vice, which is a quality adaptation of an almost unfilmable novel & it seems he does a lot better when the source material is so rich


There Will Be Blood was a rambling meandering mess, The Master 1 of the most boring, hammy, over-rated bags of useless dripping spunk i've seen for quite some time and that in itself nearly stopped me from dipping my toes with IV, which woulda been a shame.....but each to their own


watched The Red Shoes earlier, classic late 40's British filem about a ballerina facing some v awkward choices, def worth a viewing if you have the time. Black Swan ripped off all its nuances and themes, but just diluted them severely

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For those that saw Inherent Vice, what did you think?


After a viewing it's my least favorite PTA film but I'm thinking about giving it another chance to see if I get anything out of it. I remember it trying my patience though.


I'd probably agree that it's his weakest film, but I still enjoyed it. I imagine I'd have liked it a lot less if I hadn't read the book beforehand

Edited by jellyrajah
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