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this was impressively terrible. the story was incredibly contrived (how the aliens come back and the whole earth defense team blah blah blah) then the acting. holy fuck.


two small alien ships coming out of the mother ship out of ten

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The Serpent and the Rainbow - classic non-franchise Wes Craven, and one of the most infamous movie shoots in Hollywood history


Nerve - utterly ridiculous, the Hackers of 2016.  Cramming as many trendy Millennial cliches into one movie as possible


Sorority Slaughterhouse - needs more titties


The Beach Girls - just right amount of titties


Pirates of Silicon Valley - the best Jobs / Wozniak / Gates retelling so far IMO, but leaves off in 1999, before the mobile revolution


Ghostbusters 2016 Extended Cut - even worse, if that's possible


Candyman - pretty much a horror classic, and almost perfect, if not for the terrible shot of the stuntman in the bald cap.  oof

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sicario -- good apart from the plot setup. why do they need a rando pathetic local FBI  narcotic agent? oh wait they are rejecting her better half? but for some reason he's in the rest of the movie? ok... well there's a hilarious deus ex halfway through. cool so the CIA needs a domestic "unit" to make all this legal? ok w/e. fine. Am I the only one who just didn't care about the "BUT IT'S WRONG" angle of this movie? Which I suppose is Blunt's motivation? I have no problems immediately accepting that the US government does completely unacceptable things to "fight" the drug war and other insane issues. In that sense it felt like a film made by a canadian.. which it was ultimately. I dont care I just want to see the US waste some bad hombres. Still... benny del turnover does a great job at looking at things off camera and of course roger deakins is the best in the business by so many country miles it's almost upsetting at this point.


edit: 7 bad hombres out of 10 huevos rancheros

Edited by dr lopez
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I'd genuinely be into that to hear an adult's perspective on Back to the Future. I showed a friend Raiders of the Lost Ark and she damn near fell of the couch laughing at the end. She thought the movie as a whole was p dumb tbqh.


Fuck Star Wars though.


I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark and apart from the opening thought it was really boring, is this heresy?


The Shining - Maybe the only film that'll keep creeping me out no matter how many times I watch it.

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Bad Moms - middle class suburban wasp moms have it so hard don't they.  Fail.


Joyride 3 - never saw part 2, this was a half decent low budget horror thriller with more gore than the first one.


Yoga Hosers - who the Hell keeps funding Kevin Smith's movies?  He's the Rob Zombie of bad comedy, only made it 30 minutes into this disaster.


Halloweed - turned it off after 10 minutes, iPhone quality production.

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before the flood- leo di caprio movie/doc  about climate change,highly recommended,good time of year for this as well,probably more scary than most horror films i,ll watch this halloween,thought leos speech at the  end was pretty amazin too -9/10

want to watch this. it's going to be 86 here and it's fucking november.


wife made me watch adams family and hocus pocus last nite. gladiwasdrinking/10

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Zardoz speaks to you, His chosen ones



I am Arthur Frayn, and I am Zardoz. I have lived three hundred years, and I long to die. But death is no longer possible. I am immortal. I present now my story, full of mystery and intrigue - rich in irony, and most satirical. It is set deep in a possible future, so none of these events have yet occurred, but they *may.* Be warned, lest you end as I. In this tale, I am a fake god by occupation - and a magician, by inclination. Merlin is *my* hero! I am the puppet master. I manipulate many of the characters and events you will see. But *I* am invented, too, for your entertainment - and amusement. And you, poor creatures, who conjured *you* out of the clay? Is God in show business too?





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before the flood- leo di caprio movie/doc  about climate change,highly recommended,good time of year for this as well,probably more scary than most horror films i,ll watch this halloween,thought leos speech at the  end was pretty amazin too -9/10


full length on yt



Edited by very honest
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Zardoz speaks to you, His chosen ones



I am Arthur Frayn, and I am Zardoz. I have lived three hundred years, and I long to die. But death is no longer possible. I am immortal. I present now my story, full of mystery and intrigue - rich in irony, and most satirical. It is set deep in a possible future, so none of these events have yet occurred, but they *may.* Be warned, lest you end as I. In this tale, I am a fake god by occupation - and a magician, by inclination. Merlin is *my* hero! I am the puppet master. I manipulate many of the characters and events you will see. But *I* am invented, too, for your entertainment - and amusement. And you, poor creatures, who conjured *you* out of the clay? Is God in show business too?







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Hairy bushes are a beautiful thing.


I entirely agree - this is a well-known fact.




Ps. Thanks for all your recommendations. Just finished browsing through the last dozen of pages because I haven't really watched anything this year and no clue.


First one was "Spring Breakers" where I immediatly started skipping every nonverbal atmosphery

I'm not in the mood for James Franco today.


Just watching "Swiss Army Man" and loving it instantly.

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Shadow World (2016) Depressing look into the mechanisms driving the world's arms trade industry. 7/10

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Every Halloween I try to watch a horror flick that I haven't seen before, and this year's choice was The Sacrament. Didn't know anything about it, I just dived in based on the fact that it was directed by the guy responsible for The House of the Devil, which I loved.


Anyway, it was completely different to that. It's another one of those 'found footage' style films, based on a group of Vice reporters that head out to this batshit religious commune to see what the crack is, but of course it all goes tits up. If you like jump scares, this isn't for you, but if you enjoy your horrors with a gradual build-up of tension and a well executed sense of dread, I'd recommend it.

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Yeah Gocab that sounds like it could be worth seeing. YouTube, Netflix, or elsewhere?

It was on the telly, sorry!
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